Sept. 19, 2007
Call them
Less Than Satisfying Encounters With Humanity,
or LTSEWH, just to create a particularly stupid and unpronounceable acronym.
All names have been included whenever possible in order to ensure fullest
humiliation, though in some cases the more hapless have been spared out of
compassion, and the interests of sparing The Rip Post lawsuits.
1: Butting In
You know, my memory is
just shot. I’m sorry. I forget that the world is a toilet, and a dumpster,
and a spittoon, and an ashtray. God, no wonder I’m so bothered all the time.
Most everybody else realizes these obvious things, while I’m forever
worrying about ways to discreetly and benignly dispose of things that need
Silly me!
I’m ridiculously,
anachronistically proper, that’s all. I’m like the guy in the Extreme
Fighting crowd who says, “Excuse me, please,” the guy who buys a hundred
bucks worth of groceries and then tells the clerk, “thank you.” I just
bought $100 in groceries---why am I thanking them?
I shouldn’t even be
writing about this as if it’s unusual, but I can’t help myself. I’m just
constantly astounded at how alien my respect for “the environment” is. Even
the term, “the environment,” amuses me. As if it is some separate thing
that exists independently of humans.
Anyhow, all this
throat-clearing is about a very tiny incident, but one so big in implication
that I am still reeling.
There I was. . .
Walking down Veteran
Avenue in Westwood one delicate pre-fall afternoon. Just the usual passing
parade of good citizens driving as if late for appointments with hookers. My
headphones pumped Bob Dylan, my feet pushed my old bones into a good pace,
my face dripped sweat.
The cigarette butt was
still smoking as it landed in front of me.
That’s correct, a
smoking cigarette butt flew from out of the sky and dropped just short
of me, on the sidewalk. I stopped. I stepped on it. I looked up. Did God
Well, probably. But in
this case, it was just a punk.
He was a youngish---twentysomething,
I suppose---male humanoid with unkempt curly locks, requisite three-day
beard, T-shirt, cargo pants. He stood in a second story window of a
nondescript beige apartment building, eyeing me. He had just flicked the
remains of his carcinogenic, highly addictive tube of nicotine-jazzed
tobacco and chemical additives out the window of his apartment. Whether or
not he was trying to hit me, I don’t know. I spoke.
“Nice!” I said.
His expression didn’t
change. He just walked away. He probably wondered why I had spoken at
all. He probably did not differentiate between me and “squirrel” or “tree.”
He probably had no comprehension whatsoever as to the relationship between
flicking a lighted cigarette butt out the window at a passer-by and the
passer-by’s reaction.
But as I said, he understood
something that I don’t. The world is his ashtray. I just live in it.
LTSEWH # 2: Be
CIA'ing you
The pedestrian stood on
the corner of the intersection. The light was red. He waited patiently,
automatically, for it to change. When that happened, he would step off the
curb and into the crosswalk and negotiate Barrington Avenue in West L.A..
Safely, legally, routinely, casually.
Except. . .
The light changed, the
pedestrian stepped off the curb, and a Sherman tank-sized, dust-laden, black
pick-up truck with black tinted windows hauled a quick right.
The pedestrian stopped in
his tracks. He thought, “What in the hell?”
I know that he thought
this, you see, because the pedestrian was me. Inside the tank—er,
truck---through the black tinted windows, I could see two hulking male
figures with short hair and dark glasses. One of them waved at me, and
laughed. I could only think of the rather happy fact that I still had toes.
As the truck drove away,
I saluted it with the decorous raised third-finger so popular and perfect
for such circumstances. In response, the driver waved merrily in his
rear-view mirror.
Then it all hit me. The
black truck, the tinted windows, the twin hulks with dark glasses. . .
CIA. An obvious warning.
Next time, Rense, we get your toes.
LTSEWH # 3: Side by
Now, I realize I have
written of this sort of thing before, but it is phenomenal, I believe, and
so I will write of it again. I think I’m on to a brand new trend in
territorial aggression. I think we are very soon to hear and read daily
reports of “sidewalk rage.”
here. |
Yet I am so dumbfounded, so
brain-frozen blood-dancingly dazzled by this matter that I have not been
quite sure whether I can trust my senses. So on this occasion, I was extra
careful to pay attention to every detail, just to confirm the reality, or
surreality, of the situation.
I was walking
north, and the young couple was walking south. I was on the extreme right
side of the sidewalk, taking up about two-thirds of my half---especially
when you included my canvas laptop bag. The young couple took up the entire
sidewalk, she on the left, he on the right. They walked casually, with a
kind of pride of ownership about them, as if perhaps they had paid for and
poured the concrete on which they lazily stepped.
As they made
standard-procedure eye contact with me, I shifted my computer bag to my
right side, obviously in order to give them more room to pass.
Well, I thought it was
obvious, anyhow.
If you think the male
half of the couple gave any ground, shifted even an inch to the left in
order to accommodate my apparent course, you probably believe that Texas is
another country. Well, actually---oh, you get the idea.
I kept my head up,
looking straight, waiting for the guy to move slightly aside. Single file, I
knew, was far too much to imagine possible. I might as well have waited for
the sun to sing “That Lucky Old Sun.” I’d say the guy was about 25, maybe
six-six, with shoulders were no wider than Sen. Larry Craig’s bathroom
Bang. His left
side plowed into my left side. Not a glancing blow, not a shirt-to-shirt
fender-bender, but a full-blown wham-o bone-to-bone smash-up. I had been
expecting it, and was braced. I kept walking, though I turned to see his
He had also turned, to see my reaction. I think he looked surprised. A
why-did-that-guy-hit-me look, mixed with the white eyeball of burgeoning
Once again, I am reminded
of David Letterman’s remark in describing the barely audible grunt he
received from a blank-stared young woman he had greeted with a “Good
“What are you, feral?”
Sidewalk rage. I tell
you, it’s coming.
LTSEWH # 4: Cardio
I’m in favor of
exercising. I applaud the city of L.A. for even considering the ban on
fast-food in south-central, to combat obesity there. I think it should be
extended to the country. Aerobics, si, Whopper, no.
I am not alone in this
sentiment, either. The fabulously entertaining SF Chronicle, Mark Morford,
wrote of it recently, "It's like a giant middle finger to your heart."
Hell, I think there
should be tax breaks for people who exercise regularly, who don’t smoke, who
drink in moderation, who don’t say “cool,” who do not use cell phones on
sidewalks, and who never watch Larry King.
But, well, I don’t know.
Here I go again. I am laboring under this misconception, this wild delusion,
that we all live together and share this place, and we must make certain
compromises and accommodations in order to get along.
No, no---that’s not it.
I’m flattering myself.
The truth is that I’m the
only one here who does not realize that other people think they own this
town. Stupid me! You know that guy on the sidewalk in LTSEWH # 3? He thinks
the city belongs to him. LTSEWH # 1? Same thing. He owns the place, and can
flick his butts where he chooses. LTSEWH # 2? Well, no, that was an
attempted CIA hit.
And the guy I’m about
to tell you about---who scared the diesel exhaust right out of my lungs
while he was "exercising"---also correctly realized that he owns the city,
and that I do not, and that therefore he takes priority.
Let me ask you something.
When you are alone on a deserted sidewalk, sauntering along on a benign
Sunday afternoon with your spousal unit, taking in local gardens, and trying
to pretend that L.A. is not hell on earth, and suddenly you hear someone
right behind you---Imeanthisclose---and you go instinctively into
self-protection mode because your body tells you that you are about to be
mugged. . .what do you do?
That’s right, you spin
around quickly---no, you practically levitate and jump around, ready to
defend yourself, body-block, tuck-and-roll, whatever.
And that’s what I did. I
heard loud footsteps---from out of nowhere---as close to me as the guy in
the prison shower when you bend over for the soap. Along with the footsteps,
there was a kind of huffing, grunting. As I said, I spun around. As did my
walking partner, Annie.
We were, in a word,
There he was. The
Owner of Los Angeles. A pasty-complexioned guy in walking shorts,
T-shirt, sunglasses, gym-bag in hand. Maybe 45 or 50. And he announced his
“Pardon me, guys!” he
shouted. “I’m on my cardio!”
And he walked right
between us! Causing us to stop, step aside, and stare in disbelief.
Yessir. The Owner of L.A.
was on his cardio, and we were in his way! How dare us not have anticipated
his presence! We should have been grateful that he was “polite.” The funny
thing was, he was on one lame cardio, walking plenty fast to compete in a
senior Olympics.
I mean, what do I expect?
That he could have---gasp---walked around us, so as not to startle?
Sure, I would have done that, but then, that’s the difference between me and
the Owner of L.A..
My associate, Annie, did
not quite understand the Owner’s position in all this, though, and I had to
stop her from speaking.
I believe the sentence
she was about to shout was:
“Why should I give a f---
that you are on your f---ing cardio, a---e?”
Oh, my, what a breach of
etiquette that would have been.
I figured it was best to
let the Owner go on his way. If you’re the Owner of L.A., after all, you are
certainly armed.
For more LTSEWH's,
watch this space---or better yet, buy Less Than
Satisfying Encounters With Humanity, The Illustrated book. Send your own
LTSEWH's and we'll post them at