Boom goes London
(July 7, 2005)
going back to bed.
I don’t like waking up to
see that vermin have blown people up. I don’t like to see lyrical red London
double-decker buses burned to rubble. I don’t like to see footage of broken
men lying limp on stretchers while paramedics slam their chests, trying to
restart their hearts. I don’t like to hear about subway trains full of
peaceable, workaday folk being bombed.
And I especially don’t
like to see “President” Bush on his hind legs, baying anew about how the
terrorists “hate freedom,” and how the world will stand together.
What does Bush know about
standing together with the rest of the world? His brutish, arrogant policies
have alienated this country from most of the world. His bellicose, murderous
ways in Iraq have recruited more terrorists---for generations to come---than
Bin-Laden ever dreamed possible. His refusal to join the rest of the world
in signing the Kyoto Treaty---because he said it would hurt the U.S.
economy, which also happens to be the largest producer of carbon dioxide in
the world---is a disgusting embarrassment.
And what does Bush
know about loving freedom, in a country where press
freedom is under
attack? Where the government may confiscate and raze your home if it decides
you have terrorist leanings---or if it merely decides it is in your town’s
best interests to build a mini-mall instead? Where loyal, dedicated U.S.
workers are sold out for cheap China labor? Where there is now an official
domestic spy agency?
Bush is delighted to have
a new terrorist attack to exploit, I guarantee. It comes just in the nick of
time, when his support had seriously waned. Joining the massive sigh of
relief are Cheney, Queen Condy, Uncle Donald, and
especially---especially---one Karl Christian Rove.
Rove’s certain
prosecution for having exposed CIA agent Valeria Plame---in a vicious fit of
hatred for her husband, former Gabon Amassador Joseph Wilson, and his
efforts to discredit the administration’s
trumped up claims
about “yellowcake” plutonium being shipped from Africa to Iraq---is now
old news. Inside pages fare. Never mind that this is a textbook case of high
treason, and should carry the requisite textbook punishment.
There can be little
doubt but that Rove’s “outing” of Plame was deliberate, and involved the
entire White House, including Bush. It makes Watergate pipsqueak, and the
Lewinsky and Whitewater witchhunts the greatest of national shames. The
exposure of Plame, a weapons of mass destruction specialist(!), diminished
the country’s defenses. Rove and company, in other words, played politics
with your safety.
Never mind.
Boom goes London, as
Randy Newman sang.
Will the American sheeple,
as a friend of mine puts it, wake up to the game? Or will they retreat again
into fear and blind nationalism? We must continue to fight the war on
terror, crows Bush. Better to say that we should start fighting the war
on terror.
For no matter one’s
opinion about Iraq---whether it was the cover story of “liberating a
people,” or to assert U.S. military might and threat in the general world,
out of a combination of greed and crusade mentality---does anyone doubt that
the Iraq invasion has not increased the threat of terrorism?
As the bombs burst in
subway air, Bush still trots out the line about meeting the
terrorists abroad so we don’t have to fight them at home. One wonders
how this language plays in Madrid, Chechnya, New York City, and now. .
Those places are home to
lots of people.
“The terrorists won’t
win,” said Tony Blair after London Town was hobbled.
Yet every time Blair and
Bush and the world react to terrorism with bluster and military action, the
terrorists win. Every time the “terror alert” is raised to “orange” in the
U.S., and commuters in trains, buses, and airplanes sweat under the collar,
the terrorists win. These are their desired goals. They are provocateurs.
To repeat: does anyone
imagine that continuing the war in Iraq will stop this?
Going to war with Iraq over 9/11 was like being punched by your neighbor,
then taking an automatic weapon to the entire neighborhood. What was the
stated objective in Iraq? Remember? It was to remove Saddam Hussein, and
replace his government with a “democratic” one. This has happened. Bush can
hoist the “Mission Accomplished” banner.
Will the
country devolve into anarchy and civil war? That’s up to “the Iraqi
Coming Soon! Tony
Blair and George W. Bush in. . . “THEY HATE FREEDOM.” Yes, here comes
the big relentless post-terror-attack PR campaign all over again. Call it
“Little 9/11.” And if there are more terrorist hits this summer, well, that
will be windfall profit for Bush-Blair bellicosity.
With these guys, it's
either that sort of saber-rattling or, when things are quiet, claims of
progress in the “war on terror.” Progress? Looks to me like terrorists can
hit pretty much anywhere, any time.
But this is not war, this
is crime.
Crime is fought with
investigation. There is almost no more preventing a suicide bomber
determined to attack unsuspecting people than there is preventing the sun
from rising. But the only way to have a chance at doing so is through
If the hundreds of
billions of dollars spent on the absurd, dishonest war in Iraq had been
spent on identifying and neutralizing bad guys---or finding and
killing the strangely elusive Osama Bin-Laden and his aides---maybe the
London subways would be running this morning.
If we directed energies
against the root causes of terror---poverty, lack of education, brainwashing
and indoctrination of poor young people in third world countries---that
double-decker bus might have made its next stop.
As long as our
“leaders” continue to exploit fear and terror for domestic political
purposes, nothing will be done about these root causes, and they will not
even be discussed.
But I’ve said this all
before, as have droves of sensible columnists far better informed and far
more articulate than me.
I’m going back to bed.