Hold on to
your purse, Mike Farrell, this might be rough reading for you.
Tookie is gone, gone,
gone. Took-Took-Tookie, goodbyyyye. . .They took Tookie down. Tookie took
the "D" Train. He was lethally ejected. He ain't never comin' back no'
mo'---not to write kiddie books, or his life story, or to shotgun people at
point-blank range as they beg for their lives.
Toodleoo, Took-baby!
Hey, you want to get your
children's book published? Start a gang and kill somebody. Want to become a
hero to kids? Start a gang and kill somebody. Want to become a national
celebrity worshipped by bleeding-heart liberals and nicey-poo movie stars
far and wide? Start a gang and kill somebody. Want to be nominated for a
Nobel Peace Prize? Start a gang and kill somebody.
Only in America.
That’s it! Maybe that’s
how I can get my children’s fable in print! Hey, Rense, you’ve just blown
away a family of three---where are you going right now? I’m goin’ to see my
Of course, Stanley
“Tookie” Williams, renowned children’s book author/mass murderer, didn't
just start any old punkass gang. He started that most sinister and murderous
outfit, The Crips, a national "organization" specializing in murder,
extortion, robbery, crack cocaine, and lots of other Nobel Peace Prize
causes. Well done, Took! ‘S’all good, dog.
Guess I was
witnessing real black American history back in ’69 and ’70, when I used
to see those skulking black guys with canes and long coats lurking on the
perimeter of Venice High. Stupid me. I didn’t realize I was looking at
potential American heroes.
And of course, it was the
Last Action Hero who took out Tookie. The Terminator, indeed! And here the
two men had so much in common. Both pumped iron to become intimidating and
powerful. Both rode their imposing physiques to fame. Both dealt with
prejudice. Schwarzenegger killed countless people on film and got elected
governor. Tookie was convicted of killing four (but probably was responsible
for a lot more), and landed on Death Row. He won't be baaaaack.
Irony, thy name is he-man.
Can you say John Adams
Toodleloo, Tookie, we
knew ye all too well. Note to all your bleeding heart liberal pals who
protested your peaceful passing: you need to remember what a bleeding heart
looks like after it's been blasted by a shotgun. As a courtesy, here’s a
little reminder for you:
Taiwan immigrant
Yen-I Yang, who ran a motel with his wife and daughter in south-central
L.A., had his left arm turned to blood pudding by the first blast from the
heroic Tookie, which also broke ribs, pulverized the spleen, right kidney,
bowel and large vessels.
Don’t you hate when that

Tookie: killed motel owners, 7-11 clerks. |

Pryor: killed audiences. |
Tookie’s other toot did essentially the same thing, perhaps in case the
first shot had not been sufficient. Can’t be too careful, you know. A
one-armed 76-year-old man with his bowels blown open might get up and kill
you. Yen-I Yang was found on a sofa, soaked with blood, gasping, gurgling. .
His 63-year-old wife,
Tsai-Shai, was discovered with her knees drawn up under her, face on the
floor---as if she had been forced to bow before being killed. The lady had
been shotgunned in the base of the spine from a few inches---guess Tookie’s
long-distance aim wasn’t so hot--- and also in the gut. She did not die
instantly, either, and was left to gasp and gurgle her way to oblivion,
along with her husband.
The Yangs’ 43-year-old
daughter, Yee-Chen Lin, received her execution to the left side of her face,
which essentially removed it, yet she was also clinging to life when the
cops arrived. One must assume that her last vision on planet Earth was
Tookie’s Frankensteinian mass, deranged eyes, and the barrel of his shotgun.
As for the Took-meister’s
other victim, 7-Eleven clerk
Albert Owens,
well, he was marched into a storage room, told to lie down on the floor, and
blasted twice in the back. Just like in the movies! In fact, Tookie got a
big kick out of the funny noises Owens made as he died, and
hysterically---just like people do in movies! S. Took later
chided an accomplice as a “punkass” for vomiting after the killing.
Are you vomiting yet,
Mike Farrell?
Let’s not even get
into the fact that the T-man expressed joy over killing Owens
because he was
threatened to kill the jurors who convicted him, planned to murder a
guard in an
escape plan, and that
actual witnesses---not
jailhouse informants, as widely reported by a very deficient media---helped
to convict him.
But just for fun, let’s
do get into the charges by the indecent, vile people who yelled
“you’ve just killed an innocent man” at Tookie’s sendoff party, sending
family members of the survivors into tears.
Let’s say they were
right, and that all the evidence---eyewitnesses,
etc.---is wrong, and that this brute with biceps as big as pit-bulls did not
fiendishly execute four people. Let’s just say that he merely founded and
ran a gang that engaged routinely in murder, extortion, and destroying
countless numbers of lives with crack cocaine.
I know what you’re
thinking: gee, that alone doesn't quite merit a Nobel Peace Prize
nomination. No, but I’d say it warrants a one-way ticket to the Last Mile.
Quick, get Farrell the
smelling salts!
Death penalty opponents
suffer from a death of the spirit. They have forgotten what murder is, if
they ever had an inkling. They are as desensitized to violence as are kids
playing video games in which people rip vital organs out of one another's
chests. (More Tookies in the making?) They will claim otherwise,
sanctimoniously declaring that they abhor all killing. Really? Would they
have sentenced Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol-Pot to life in prison?
No, this is not
just an “eye for an eye,” or “tit for tat,” as well-intentioned
protestors say. One of the misguided young people outside San Quentin’s
death chamber held a sign proclaiming “an eye for an eye just makes everyone
blind.” Well, sure, when it comes to feuds, but the only feud here was
between Tookie and humanity. Eye for an eye? Executing Tookie was more like
an eyebrow for an eye. One life destroyed at least four.
This is not simple
revenge, either, although frankly, I see nothing wrong with feeling avenged
by killing someone who just killed your entire family, as perhaps was the
case with Yen-I Lin’s son, Robert.
Is it justice?An
anti-death penalty friend correctly pointed out that the justice system is
flawed, and that innocents are sometimes imprisoned and put to death. So
therefore society should eliminate punishment? What’s more, asked Friend,
“who appointed you God?” Well, seeing as God is not here to mete out
prison sentences, I guess we have to rely on human beings doing the best
they can. (And not incidentally, I have written that all
death penalty cases
should be reviewed with DNA testing, whenever feasible, followed by lesser
Ultimately, Tookie was
erased, thrown away, disposed of. This is the purpose of the death penalty.
What rational reason is there to have kept him alive? So he could write more
children’s books and continue working the not-guilty angle in hopes of
getting sprung one day? So he could continue enjoying his celebrity? When a
human being behaves so bestially that he or she resorts to wanton and
hateful taking of life (as opposed to self-defense) I say. . .you throw them
away. They have forfeited their right to remain here.
Yet Farrell, Jesse
Jackson, and other pious folk rallied to Tookie's cause because they
said he had an important message to give to kids: don't kill people and
don't join gangs. Yessir, with that kind of inspiration, who the hell
needs Shakespeare? That's just the role model I want for my kid: a mass
murderer on Death Row who refuses to confess his crimes and is trying to
weasel his way out of prison by writing children's books.
Tookie’s liberal posse
will rant that he was a victim of poverty and racism, and cast blame at
government, “society,” and everyone except Took Doggie Dawg. And they
will speak in grand tones of the man’s “redemption.” How they love this
word, redemption, as if it carries some magic and possibly religious
hoodoo. As if writing kiddie books and saying “don’t be like me” amounts to
some mystical change that balances out murder! That balances out founding
the Crips! Redemption? I’d call it a sudden lack of steroids, incarceration,
and fear of death. This is what changed Tookie.
As for being a victim of
racism and poverty, and as for “redemption,” I give you two words:
Richard Pryor.
Pryor grew up in a
whorehouse. This black American intimately knew poverty and racism, and
wrestled with hatred and anger, but somehow, he never managed to kill a
single person! Instead, he used his wits and heart to rise above the slings
and arrows of outrageous fortune, and did something courageous and
absolutely wonderful with his life. He not only made people laugh, but he
made them think about a whole lot of lousy things like. . .poverty and
racism. He did this bluntly, harshly, confrontationally, ironically, and
And in so doing, he
promoted cooperation, tolerance, forgiveness, empathy, sympathy, and um,
Pryor was never nominated
for a Nobel Peace Prize. Of course, as I said, he didn’t start a street
gang, commit murder, and write children’s books.
And I didn’t hear Mike
Farrell making any public statement mourning his death.