The Rip Post                                                                                              

moral value year end sale rag
i dance in a blue state
guess we got no moral values today
guess moral values find nothing wrong with ten thousand iraqis dead, i saw
moral value arming itself, it knew damn well that John Kerry, if elected, would make it a national law
that same sex couples would actually have their marriage ceremonies in the living rooms of the good fine folk,yippee,
guess we got too many moral values today,
they sit on the porch waiting to go hunting,
they'll be burning down the abortion clinics my blue state i know damn well
i am in moral twilight, best take my blood
pressure, see if i am at home, or maybe
it have been abducted and brainwashed by
French Al Qaeda agents, who actually are
the illegitimate grandchildren of Sadaam Hussein,
the very same Hussein who killed O.J.'s wife and
outed Valerie Plame.
But i digress.My pastor told me that the
Democrats are going to outlaw the Bible and
that Jesus was voting for Bush.How was I
to know? I must atone.
The environment is a terrorist front.
Chop down every tree before a sniper can
hide there.
We're short of manpower.Going to need some folks
when we go into Iran.Hello.Guess we'll need to revive the draft.Okay red staters.Moral Values demand you give us your children.We will teach them how to kill.We will nourish them with our love.
---Scott Wannberg


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