Lindorff is not a fun guy. He’s drop-dead serious, always talking
about issues and problems in pointed, pithy terms. I mean, he never worries
about what Britney Spears is up to, or who will be the next American Idol,
or whether Katie Couric will cut it as a CBS anchor. This is, of course,
makes him practically un-American.
Dave is a graybeard
investigative reporter from way back, always carrying on about Iraq, New
Orleans, health care, corporate larceny, environmental ruination, social
injustice, how people suffer needlessly because of blunderbuss government
At least he is succinct
and focused in his points, but hell, that’s about the best thing you can say
for him.
Look. Who really wants to
hear about special prosecutors and violations of the fourth amendment and
lying about Iraq’s nonexistent nuclear program when Britney’s pregnant and
Paul is getting divorced and Oprah’s on and people want to put stone
carvings of the Ten Commandments in courthouses? Who wants to listen to
rationality and reason when you’ve got Bill O’Reilly saying we should run
Iraq like Saddam?And then there’s the World Cup. I mean, come on.
The Rip Post Asks Dave Lindorff
Four Questions About Impeachment HERE |
Lindorff’s book is the same way. It’s just not a fun book, not fun at
all. It’s one of those serious, considered, carefully supported, solidly
argued. . .issue books. It informs, and makes you (urp) think.
Doesn’t this guy know a thing about marketing? Dave, two words: Ann Coulter!
Coulter is fun. Matt
Lauer said so, so it must be true. “Always fun having you,” Matty-boy said
to Mad Annie, after allowing her to maniacally talk over him for a
three-minute “interview.” Coulter’s literary equivalent of apes throwing
feces is at the top of the New York Times best-seller list.
This is what it takes to
have an important book today, Dave---saying that the 9/11 widows who dared
challenge the administration are primping millionaires wallowing in their
husband’s deaths. And calling for the killing---the killing!---of
conservative Rep. John Murtha because he sees the Iraq war for the atrocity
that it is.
If you want to be a star
in this country---and all the best people do---you have to do something
striking. I know this for a fact. When I tried to get a collection of my
LTSEWH columns published recently, a bigtime
agent told me my “author’s profile” was lacking. I had to get famous, then
he’d read my manuscript. See?
So if I could sing
Connie Chung or scream like
Uncle or make a sex video with Paris Hilton or shout at the China prez
when he visits Bush or skydive off the Empire State Building. . .I could
get published.
Which leads me to wonder:
how in hell did Lindorff manage to get
“The Case for Impeachment: The Legal
Argument for Removing President George W. Bush From Office” published?
By St. Martin’s Press, no less?
I can only guess that
there are still a few other un-fun people walking around. Not many---you won’t find them on CNN or Fox---and
their numbers are dying off faster than Bush’s brain cells. But there are
still some moldy types who don't thrive on flaming e-mail and glib-itis and believe in
(yawn) abiding by law to take care of business. Even if the business is
impeachment of the most redundantly, fabulously impeachable president in
U.S. history.
No, not Warren G.
You know how they
sentence mass-murderers to “consecutive life sentences?” Adding up to a
point where not even a giant tortoise could serve the sentence? This is what
Bush and Cheney merit. Consecutive impeachments. If Bush is not impeachable,
Frankenstein liked fire and Dracula did his best work in the daytime. If
Bush is not impeachable, O.J. and Robert Blake will find the real murderers
and Michael Jackson is crazy about vaginas. Bush is to impeachment what
green is to brocolli, toothless old hookers are to Jerry Springer, empty
rhetoric is to Hillary Clinton.
So how is it that
Lindorff and co-author Barbara Olshansky, the lead attorney for the
three hundred “detainees” at Guantanamo (no fun either) are among the few
people making any serious noise about impeachment? How is it that their
cogent, well-argued book is a blip on How is it that Democrat
House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi has said that “impeachment is off the
table?” How is it that the streets aren't full of people demanding "throw
the bums out!"?
I can only guess that the
answer is fear. The mainstream media---often almost a corporate adjunct of
the government---fear finding themselves without a nice fun corporate
paycheck. And the American sheeple so fear “the terrorists” that not backing
our "leadership," come hell or heavy reactor water, is widely seen as
cowardly, if not treasonous. Never mind up to
100,000 innocent Iraqis wiped out in the Bush invasion. Never mind 2500 U.S.
and 113 British soldiers killed, and 69 journalists who filed their last
dispatches from the desert. Never mind Rumsfeld and Cheney's slaughter of the CIA.
That’s the problem:
never mind.
Never mind that Bush,
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice fabricated fantastic fun
lies in order to justify the invasion. Never mind the fun 104-acre,
5500-employee, billion-dollar U.S. Embassy being built in Baghdad. Never
mind depleted uranium poisoning. Never mind dead children. Never mind that
Iraq is far worse off now than it was under Saddam. Never mind that this is
actually a permanent occupation of the Middle East on behalf of corporate
America, Europe, and Israel. Never mind the evisceration of privacy, and
colossal spying on all American citizens by the Bush administration. Never
mind the Constitution. Never mind Valerie Plame. Never
mind the unanswered 9/11 questions. Never mind the
sanctioning of kidnap, torture and imprisonment(!) without warrant or
prosecution. Never mind all that---there are terrorists out there!
Or course, there is a
bit of an irony. By keeping a lying, Constitution-shredding,
quasi-theocratic “Christian” near-dictatorship in power---that's you,
George!---terrorists “win.” As it stands now, Uncle Sam is being led around by the nose---by
terrorist threat. Every time Bush ups the ante on totalitarianism at home
and war abroad, terrorists laugh their turbans off.
Lindorff knows all
this---and it is what prompted him and Olshanksy to do what they saw as
their patriotic duty to write this no-fun book. It happens to be a
compelling, meticulously researched document that can leave no objective
reader opposing impeachment hearings, if not the speedy removal of
Bush---and Cheney---from office.
If that's not fun enough
for you, hey, don’t read it. But if you believe in holding impeachment
hearings, as increasing numbers of citizens do,
at least buy it. It's the surest way to be make your
voice heard. Next to voting out all Repugnicans in November.
Throw the bums out?
Now that sounds like fun.
Maybe Dave's on to
something, after all.
Rip Post: Give me some sort of comparative
analogy for impeaching Clinton vs. impeaching Bush. . .
Lindorff: It’s like having your dog put to sleep for drooling
on your sofa, and then turning around and paying the full bill to a
corrupt contractor who used beach sand in the concrete of your house
foundation and substandard lumber on the framing, so that the whole
thing collapsed right after you took possession—and then hiring him
again to build you a second house.
RP: Why aren’t more Americans interested in discussing
Lindorff: From all the evidence I can see, the American
people WANT to discuss impeachment, but the media are afraid of it.
The Zogby and Ipsos polls on the impeachment question both show a
majority of all Americans to favor impeachment, and as many as 80
percent of Democrats favor impeachment at this point. But the
mainstream media just treat the story like a wacky
out-of-the-mainstream idea. It makes no sense, unless you assume, as
I do, that the media are frightened of the power of the
administration, and its retaliatory ability to affect licensing
decisions, etc.
RP: Why are Democrat leaders like Pelosi saying they will not
pursue impeachment?
Lindorff: I think that the Democratic leadership for the most
part is composed of people who are afraid of a) their own shadows
and b) the rank and file. It’s incredible that they would actually
say they don’t support impeachment as a November campaign theme
because they fear it could “energize the Republican base.” What
about doing something to “energize the Democratic base”? That’s
something that the Democratic Party leadership hasn’t tried in,
what? A quarter of a century? And look at the stunning results of
their cowardice! If the Democratic Party were to make impeaching
Bush a centerpiece of the 2006 elections, they’d have record turnout
in November, they’d sweep their House and Senate races, and Bush
would be out on his ass.
RP: Is there a fear that impeaching the administration will
“weaken” the country and make it more prey to terrorist attack?
Lindorff: Only the wilfully ignorant believe that Bush is
doing anything to make America safer from terror. What Bush has been
doing for five years is dividing this country against itself on
every issue. If that’s strengthening the country, I give up. If we
weren’t spending $200+ billion in Iraq each year, we’d have plenty
of money to spend on buying tipsters inside Al Qaeda, on checking
all containers that enter the U.S., and on foreign aid to the
countries that are producing the next batch of terrorists—with some
left over to pay for education, healthcare, dykes around New
Orleans, environmental protection and maybe even publicly funded
elections. |