(Winner, "Non-political
commentary," Los Angeles Press Club 2020, 3rd place.)
(Apr. 13, 2020)
(copyright 2020 Rip Rense, The Rip Post, all
rights reserved.)
It's lurking. It's salivating. It's breathless,
waiting in the pandemic quiet. And at first opportunity, it will step out,
roaring, spitting fire, devouring free will yet again as it commands
you, you, you, and you to consume, consume, consume. All in the name of
"returning to normal."
Well, I loathe
normal. I loathe what normal has become in this society: addiction to
low-common denominator "popular" culture, from empty-headed
wailing pop
“icons” to corporate sports to the smarmy Kardashian beasts. Greed,
gluttony, self-adoration, arrogance, rudeness, willful ignorance, idolatry, acrimony,
lack of empathy, compulsive consumerism . .are "normal."
But the corporate Grendel is waiting, snarling and slavering, and it is coming for your head
again. Chomp. TeeVee will
rise up as never before, commanding you to buy that new Mercedes SUV and
iPhone enema app and nacho ice cream burgers in the
name of
"returning to normal." Will you do it? Or will the ongoing lockdown and
deprivation of beloved stimuli prompt the birth of something approximating
empathy? A saner perspective? Will it (cue pious celeb versions of
“Imagine”) rearrange our priorities? Make us kinder, gentler?
Oh, yes, and Trump
will acquire humility.
As far as I'm
concerned, this "shelter-in-place" thing can go on for the rest of the year.
Or longer. Gimme Shelter! I love seeing fabulously spoiled
Amerryguns deprived of their fave entertainments, addictions, with their
corporate masters in a blind panic. It's the pleasant dream in this nightmare.
Cynical? No. Moral.
Racism, greed, amorality, greed,
hatred, xenophobia, narcissism, greed, truculence, tattoos, Jennifer Lopez’s
gyrating hind, greed, NRA ensuring more mass-shootings, $100 admission to
Disneyland, $250-$300 for a family of four to watch multi-millionaires play
baseball at Dodger Stadium, $80-bags of groceries, Grammarly (formerly known
as "cheating"), BMW’s juiced with flathead hot-rod sound effects, greed, I was like, millions of
globally warming leaf-blowers,
foodies, greed, Entertainment Tonight, The Bachelor, Flip or Flop,
giddy newsmannequins, vocal fry, "influencers," homeless tent cities full of
TB and MRSA, greed, gluttony,
obesity, apathy, entropy, and pee in the streets. . .and greed.
This is
American normal.
Re-start the economy? I would rather see fabulously spoiled millennial
tekkie princelings standing ragged in soup and bread lines. I would roll on
the floor in ecstasy to watch giant beardboy designers of “apps” and
“start-ups” pitch pup tents outside trendy Venice buildings where they
once made millions. I mean billions. I would tap-dance naked in the street to see developers
and investors who have raped L.A. with thousands of hideous cool/awesome
apartment/condo penitentiaries. . .lose their private equity asses! Economic death, where
is thy sting?
Der Trumpfuhrer is
currently crying that he has to make the “most difficult decision of his
life,” regarding “re-starting the economy.” Har! He makes decisions the way
people involuntarily belch. In other words, as usual, everything is all about HIM.
COVID, pro football, CNN, The Bachelor, Hillary, masks. . .even
death. Difficult decision? He is losing allegedly billions of his
personal fortune, and is in deep re-election doo-doo, and these are the only bugs up his giant
white bottom.
It's actually the easiest decision imaginable, kids. I give you: health over
money. Boom. Chant it with me, now, health over money, health over money,
health over money. How
can there be any argument? Answer: this economy is predicated on hypertrophic luxury
and titanic, flatulent avarice, and in recent decades has become a vulgar,
stinking send-up of capitalism---what with countless new ticky-tack cement hives
offering pinhole-sized apartments from $2500 to $5000 and higher---and the crummiest old
900-square-foot 1940’s hovels in Reseda and Compton going for nearly a
million bucks. Want more? I give you: ten-story cruise ships that make the
Queen Mary look like a tugboat. Crapbuckets from
Yes, the American
economy is insane, tongue lolling and eyes rolling, and long has been
only a stooge for "venture capitalists" (read: legalized criminals) to
exploit for supernatural gain. Why should they care about:
density, air and noise pollution, destruction of green space (and
attendant birds, squirrels, insects who enjoy it), housing prices driven
to levels affordable only to tekkie royalty, millions living in
plastic-sheet-and-plywood palaces?
Chant with them, now:
money over health, money over health. . .
Yes, money over
health---from Monsanto Round-Up poisoning of damn near everything to Trump's evisceration of
environmental protections---has become “normal." As have allegedly adult humans on TeeVee whining about how the
“shelter-in-place” order is “outrageous,” bleating, “I can’t even go out to
a restaurant? That’s crazy!” Along with 30-40-50-year-old ten-year-olds moaning
about having to miss the Hollywood Bowl season, and the Coachella Festival.
Gee, that's tough. They must really envy Muslim Uyghurs thrown into China
de-programming concentration camps, and girls raped and murdered by the Taliban
for learning how to read.
Some brain-trust I don't
know wrote this to me on Facebook the other day:
Continuing this sort radical isolation
until the Fall of 2021, when we *may* have an effective vaccine, would
destroy our economy. Millions would be out of work. In fact, hospitals would
be unable to function, laying off staff, not purchasing supplies, and
leaving many more people in danger of sickness and dying, and not just from
C-19. We need to find some middle ground—as it seems that Sweden has been
doing in their response to the crisis. I
don't mind someone having a negative opinion about a sitting president. (I
have a few myself.) But please don't let it color our thinking to the point
where we become illogical.
Oh, no! Not "illogical!" Spock save us! This society is nothing if not predicated on
shining logic, led by the very Wazir of Logical Wonderment! What's more
logical, after all, than ignoring warnings of impending pandemic, and when it
materializes, calling it a Democratic hoax? If ending the lockdown is logic, give me the madhouse.
As for "destroy our economy," uh. . .doesn't there have to be an economy to
destroy in the first place? The so-called economy is a
sleight-of-hand sham, and the shock of sudden
market paralysis is casting a thousand-candlepower spotlight on the
fraud. Millions would be out of work? Millions are out
of work---never mind fake employment figures the government always
cooks up. Driving for Uber is a career? The “gig economy is an
economy? Menial tasks are a livelihood?
Former professors, laid-off journalists, librarians, people
earning honest livings as bookstore managers, etc. are putting things into
boxes for Jeff Bezos! It's the United States of Errand Boys (and Girls.) Tipping
is not a city in China, but it is much of American income today. Here's
a tip: sell your silverware
on eBay.
And logical Facebook
guy's scare tactic about hospitals is hooey. Given the horror that hospitals are enduring right now, you’d think
they would have already collapsed. Emergency room doctors and all nurses are
the most valiant people we have, period end of story, and their courage is
largely holding the wreckage of the country together. If hospitals
“collapse,” it would be because the federal and state governments allowed
them to collapse.
As for logical guy's limp centrism
of "finding middle ground," I run screaming! Here we have a catastrophe. Catastrophes require
action. What kind of fool would call for “finding middle ground” to combat
a. . .plague?
Ah, but this is
America the booty-full, the land of the fee and home of the crave, where Der
Trumpfuhrer preaches Triumph of the Till and all the world's a wage. Besides,
billionaires who pay no taxes while the rest of us count every penny are. .
.donating to help the crisis, aren't they? Er. . .yes. . .’s Jeff “I want to smell you” Bezos (as he
romantically wrote
in an e-mail to then-married ex-TV newsmannequin Lauren Sanchez) has donated
$100 million for food banks. Wow, you say? Of course, $100 million for Jeffy is,
uh, a little more than one week’s income. Exclamation point. Gasp.
Faint. And he still doesn’t provide sick leave for his slaves, I mean
workers, unless they test positive for COVID-19, in which case they get a
whopping two weeks. (They could die before time runs out, and
save him more money.)
Then there is the “charity” of
the Waltons of Walmart, who hired about 100,000 more workers (gypsy delivery persons
supplementing their food stamps) in
the past three weeks but did not bother with social distancing for fourteen
days after the CDC advocated it on March 16. Three callous-fingered Walmart
employees died, and many more became sick. Gloves? Masks? Hand sanitizers?
Not at Amazon, and not at Walmart (which also provides zero sick leave.)
Yes, there was an attempted national strike at Amazon, which was filled by
scabs faster than you can say "ventilator." It would make Scrooge
Ahem. Sing along with John Lennon, now: "I-I-I. . .soLAAAAAAAA.
. .shun!" Or, to paraphrase the Stones in "Gimme Shelter," Big
Macs! Big Gulps! They're just a shot away! They're just a shot away!
You want
"normal?" The lockdown has brought it back. The old normal.
I mean,
all the fine citizens who revel in me me and also me are now forced to do so in the
privacy of their sumptuous domiciles. I don’t have to drive a gauntlet to
the market---of darting scooters, oblivious skateboarders with earbuds, pedestrians on cell phones
walking slowly down the middle of the streets (honk and you get the
finger), cars blasting through stop signs, SUV’s lurching out of every alley
and driveway without looking, tailgating me, waving arms at me for doing the
speed limit, bicyclists cutting in front of me from nowhere (honk and you
get the finger, or, as happened to me, a bicycle thrown at your car.)
I no longer have to sit outside my favorite coffee joint, having
a moment of repose destroyed by narcissist millennials hollering conversation as if
they are on opposite sides of the Grand Canyon, literally two feet away.
Dude! Alimony is killin' me, dude! I
no longer have to fail to control my temper, snapping, “Hold it down,
please,” and getting threatened with violence in return. This is a public
space! F--- off! I no
longer have to listen to every entitled latte-sipping bro and
influencer yelling “awesome!” every third word. And. . .no selfies!
This is how
things used to be.
Want more? The 405
is a sleeping kitten. I can travel anywhere in in L.A. in fifteen minutes,
like it used to be in 1975. Never mind there is nowhere to go---it's a
thrill to go nowhere fast, gridlock-free. And my ears are no longer a circus of
from nearby boulevards, a sustained explosion from freeways three full miles
away, not to mention: no jackhammers, idling trucks, backhoes, leaf-blowers, buses,
mowers, trimmers, beep-beep of trucks in reverse, sirens, thundering car
stereos pummeling the air with rap/hiphop rage, cries of “f---
you, a-----e” inspired by inability to comprehend four-way stop signs.
I no longer have to
play chicken with every millennial punk and punkette approaching on
sidewalks, refusing to move to one side in order to allow passage. My wife
no longer has to elbow them aside, prompting, “F--- you, b---h!”
and other such cherished American niceties. In fact, they steer a paranoid
socially distanced berth of six feet or more. Heaven!
The air? Clearer
than an Einstein equation.
And there are
surprising new advantages. Think of it: no more insipid small talk about
sports with the plumber! No more reflexive, empty "how's it goin'" every
time you see a neighbor who has no interest in you, and vice-versa. No more
standing in line at the market, watching ladies carefully organize and count
their stacks of coupons, then argue about them with the clerks. No more
fighting over dinner checks you can't afford to pay anyhow. No more
drunk/stoned people at concerts screaming "woooooooo!" in your ear. Every
ten seconds. No more guys next to you at baseball games spitting tobacco
juice into puddles that edge ever closer to your feet.
And, my God, I hear. .
.birdies! There aren’t many left, thanks to global warming (really---their
statewide numbers are down 96 percent)---but I hear the blessed little
things. Peeping
hummingbirds, cheeping finches, chirping sparrows, burbling mourning doves, the inevitable crow
every pastoral morning! The Elysian Fields? A Megadeath concert by
The only people I see are
mostly---gasp, sputter, cough---peaceable!
Really! There they are, walking their happy little doggies, politely nodding
to one another’s masks. No conversation. You'd
think this place is civilized or something.
End the lockdown?
Bring back normal? Hell, no. Cue the operatic aria, “O paradiso!” from “L’Africaine,” by Giacomo Meyerbeer. In
it, Vasco De Gama views the New World, and he speaks---er, sings---for me:
My heart throbs,
wondrous scene!
At last I embrace
you, land that I’ve dreamed of!
O Paradise,
emerging from the sea,
Flowering earth,
brilliant sun,
You entrance me.
You belong to me.
Oh new world,
I can offer you to
my homeland.
This fertile earth
is ours,
Which can enrich
Wondrous scene,
You ravish me!
Oh world,
You belong to me.
To me!