The Dust-Up in the Desert
13, 2004)
"The Platitude" Kerry has no knockout punch. Kerry floats like a
butterfly, and stings like a. . .butterfly. He's got a decent left jab, and an occasional
right cross (and I do mean right), but nothing to make his opponent see tweetie-birds.
Yes, Kerry won the first debate when George
"The Wire" Bush showed up punch-drunk, taking cues from an earplug, and the
senator certainly took the second scrap on most scorecards. But in championship fights,
the challenger doesn't usually win on points.
It might be moot. Kerry just
leaned into a hard right from Bush and Cheney, and their gloves are loaded with
horseshoes. I speak of the senator's use of the word, "nuisance" deep in a New
York Times interview. A word that is two letters away from another word the
Repugnicans previously used to open a cut: "nuance."
Kerry doesn't have a glass chin, but he needs
to stop dropping his guard and talkin' trash, or the fight's over. Telling the world that
he would like to see terrorism reduced to the level of "nuisance" crime like
prostitution and drug use is practically like Ali dropping his hands and daring Foreman to
hit him. Except Kerry is no Ali, and rope-a-dope is not going to work here. Not with Dick
"Heart Attack" Cheney in Bush's corner, and Condi and Rummy rubbing linament into The Prez's gloves
between rounds.
In debate number two---The Deleria in Elyira---The Prez swaggered about,
beating the living hell out of grammar and syntax, as usual. . .
Kerry was simply saying sensible,
truthful things, of course. But people don't usually want the truth, unless it comes with
free booze. And now you have Bush, the people's champ, claiming that Kerry equates
terrorism with the level of "nuisance," and what's more, he doesn't plan to get
rid of terrorism!
"The Platitude" left himself open to
a belly hit, and Bush swung. He is laying it on thick, telling hordes of fans that he's
going to personally K.O. every single gol-derned terrorist in the world, period, for gawdand-
country, which is not quite the same as saying there is a Santa Claus. As for his
"opponent," as the Prez refers to the senator (why doesn't Kerry ever refer to
Bush as "my opponent?") well, his legs are rubber.
(Time out! Break! Just a moment, let
me check something. . .Yes, yes, I see that insane people do indeed still have access to
weapons. As long as this does not change, there will still be terrorism, no matter what
Bush says. Okay, back to the column.)
What did Kerry mean? Simple. Remember when you
didn't pick up the paper and read about bombs killing shoppers and diners in Paris, Spain,
Kabul, Baghdad, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Russia every single day? Yes, I do, too. Those were
the days weren't they? Way back before, well, back before Bush was president! Back before
he hitched up that big silver cowboy belt buckle, tilted that $1000-cowboy hat into macho
position, and snarled, "Bring 'em on."
Kerry remembers, too. He was
explaining in realistic adult terms (a big risk in the USA) how much can be done to
contain terrorism. Utilizing international cooperation of intelligence agencies and
selected military strikes---and dropping the "Bring 'em on" invitation---it's
conceivable that all the murdering might eventually be rolled back to the good old days
when bombs were a lesser kind of crime, usually happening in bad neighborhoods. You know,
like hookers.
Anyone who can't see this has been in the ring
too long. Anyone who thinks all terrorists can be whupped forever has a job in
Vegas waiting as an official greeter. Terrorism is driven by hatred and religious
zealotry, forces about as immutable as a young Joe Frazier.
But now Bush and his manager,
Karl "The Brain" Rove, are going to make more of a nuisance out of
"nuisance" than Kerry ever imagined. (Astounding that they haven't mentioned
that the word comes from the French "nusaunce.") They're not engaged in
the Sweet Science, you see. They are not looking to box, and win on finesse and speed and
grace. They are looking to bite off earlobes and spit 'em out, Tyson-style. We're talking
thumbs in eyes and kidney punches in the clinch. That's the Repugnican way.
Why, he was practically twinkletoes out there, tripping through a meadow
of daffodils, singing "The Voice of Spring."
In other words, tonight's debate---The Moaner
in Arizoner, the Dust-up in the Desert---is going to be fought dirty. And don't look for
referee Bob Schieffer, a closet conservative in the guise of a CBS newsman, to issue any
warnings, or deduct any points. Kerry might be six-four, but Bush won't be called for low
Kerry has to change style. He
has to stop with the gorgeous, sweeping hooks, and the occasional head-snapping jabs. To
whit: in debate number two---The Deleria in Elyira---The Prez swaggered about, beating the
living hell out of grammar and syntax, but then began engaging in the most immodest
showboating since Cassius Clay roared, "I am KING! I am THE GREATEST!"
The Prez practically proclaimed himself Johnny
Appleseed, John Muir, Rachel Carson, and Jacques Cousteau all in one. He reeled off his
flim-flam environmental programs with their Newspeak names like the Clean Air Initiative
and the Healthy Forest Act and the Kiss the Flowers New Deal and the I Think That I Shall
Never See A Thing As Lovely as a Tree Program. Why, he was practically Twinkletoes out
there, tripping through a meadow of daffodils, singing "The Voice of Spring."
You expected to see little bushy (pun intended) Disney squirrels and chipmuncks appear on
his shoulders! (Just above the transmitter on his back.)
What did the august, elegant, dignified senator
He responded with an august, elegant,
dignified sentence or two or three about how Bush is "one of the worst"
environment presidents in history. Argh! He whiffed. He should have hammered Bush's
midsection with hard facts and stats that demonstrate that The Prez comes
straight from the Bizarro World (where everything is done backwards); facts and stats
that show that the Clean Air Initiative just opens the smokestacks wider, and the Healthy
Forest Initiative is real good for buzzsaw manufacturers, and, well, something like this:
"His energy bill offers tax breaks and
regulatory relief to the coal and oil industries. He supports major changes in the
Endangered Species Act, arguing that it has created problems for ranchers and farmers. He
has proposed altering the Clean Air Act to allow utilities to expand without installing
new pollution controls, as long as they don't surpass their own highest levels of
pollution over the last decade.He wants to open 20 million acres of national forests to
logging, and repealed Clinton's rule banning road construction in many forested areas.
Superfund clean-ups are down by 50 percent since Bush took office, and future projects are
to be paid for mostly by taxpayers instead of polluters." (See, Senator? You don't
even have to write anything original---just lift this paragraph from Newsweek,
like I did!)
With "nuisance," Bush will
have Kerry in a corner, covering up, ducking left, ducking right. There is no
easy way out. No finessing it. "The President is distorting my position" will
get beer thrown in the ring. "What I was really saying was. . ." casts The Prez
as the aggressor, no matter the senator's explanation. Might just as well take a dive. . .
Three weeks from the election, Kerry is tied on
all scorecards (and up on the electoral.) It's time to punch his way out, and go for the
knockout. Open up the can of Whoop-ass. Otherwise, Bush could be saved by the bell.