(Dec. 8, 2006)
No more blogging.
No more shrugging,
Write a letter. Send an
e-mail. Stand on a corner with sign. Paint your face. Join any/every protest against the
persons who have stolen the United States government.
Throw the maniacs out.
And I mean “maniacs.”
I said when I first heard
that the twisted and stunted beast that is George W. Bush was running for
president that we would be lucky to survive his term in office.
My prediction is being
borne out in spades.
Seventy-one percent of
the country opposes this creature's Iraq "policy." That means a lot of conservatives,
and arch-conservatives, as well as liberals, arch-liberals, and namby-pamby
people who usually do not take strong positions.
The country is
The government is
ignoring the country.
A hammer blow to the head
could not have sent a clearer message to the true-believing nutcase in D.C.
than the last elections did, with Democrats taking over Congress. Did he
listen? Does he care? Yes. Every bit as much as Dick Cheney cares about
I had been “comforted,”
to use the term advisedly, by my feeling that Bush was not really the
president, and therefore would make no decisions on his own. I figured "the
president" was the cadre of creeps who put him in office as a front man:
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and the neocon bloc. I figured there was therefore a
greater possibility of keeping such a deranged cretin in check.
My greatest fear was if
this man of alcohol-shriveled brain and puny spirit---and religious
insanity---ever began to make decisions on his own.
That fear is now
Bush has rejected the
Iraq Panel’s report and recommendations. He is going against the old
guard conservative Carlyle Group-driven machinery that has largely
controlled (read: screwed up) U.S. international relations for decades. An old guard which
happens to have his very father as its Capo Emeritus, if not aging titular head.
Holy Shakespeare, Batman!
The Iraq Panel stopped
just short of saying that Bush and Cheney should be put in prison. Okay,
that’s hyperbole, but the Baker-Aspin group did say that the Bush
administration deliberately lied about how loused up the Iraq situation
is---and if that alone isn’t an impeachable offense, then we are sunk as
deep as the Titanic.
The panel said that this
is a diaster (which anyone with slight foresight knew before the invasion),
and we need to get out---at least militarily. It also---and this
is absolutely stunning---blamed Bush and his cronies for the hideous
divisions in the country; for engaging in rhetoric and divisive tactics in
order to manipulate public opinion. Read: play on public fear to further
their goals.
Imagine this: a
bipartisan panel of heavyweights in U.S. government and international
relations sounding like, well, a bunch of flaming liberals. Led by the man
who arranged for busloads of pro-Bush protestors to go to Florida in 2000,
who wheeled-and-dealed (Gore’s fairly won) Florida right into Bush’s hands:
former Bush 1 secretary of state James Baker.
Yes, the panel is a Big Dumb Guy incapable of efficiency. Yes, the panel’s
solutions are a whitewash scam intended to allow U.S. corporate and
political interests (and most of the troops) to remain permanently imbedded in the Middle East, but
the extent to which the panel implicitly slapped down Bush is astonishing.
This is not a little
policy debate. This is more like a Kremlin-style power struggle.
First the neocons bailed
on Bush because he wasn’t bloodthirsty enough. Then the country turned its
back on him. Now his father’s bloc of conservative international gangsters
are abandoning him.
This guy is all alone.
It is George W. Bush
against the world.
Against you and me.
Just the way alkies with
persecution complexes like it.
The only people left
who support this smug dunderhead are prisoners of ignorance, stupidity,
greed, or hatred. No exceptions. If that sounds like rhetoric, I mean every
carefully considered word. There is absolutely zero logical, practical, let
alone moral or ethical reason to “stay the course” in Iraq (or any other
Bush policy.)
Stay the course? What
course? Throw more U.S. soldiers away? Throw countless more billions of
dollars away, when the country is hundreds of billions in debt already? Kill
another couple hundred thousand innocents? For what? Why? Tell me.
Yet Bush and his toadies
still speak of “winning the war.” What war? Iraq is simply
factionalized chaos---a roiling bloodbath of tribal thugs and religious
zealots. The “government” cowers in the "Green Zone"---what is effectively
an armed fortress. Saddam’s reign of terror was the only force that ever
gave that place a semblance of nationhood, as is now indisputable.
Win? How do you “win?”
What in hell are they talking about? Let the Iraq army stand up? What
Iraq army? Anybody seen it? Imbed U.S. troops to train the Iraq army.
Shades of Vietnamization! That worked real well, remember? How much
training does it take?
Look, we invaded, the
country disintegrated into mayhem, end of story. Mission accomplished! Of
course, the stated mission was to remove Saddam and set up a new government,
right? Well, that is now certainly revealed as a lie, too. We “accomplished
that mission”---and then stayed. This has always been about permanent
occupation, according to neocon philosophy.
But with the neocons
having jumped ship, one is left to wonder if all that truly animates the
barely animated Bush is what the surface suggests: his childish piffle about
how “we” can impose democracy on this barely civilized culture (they were
roaming tribes of murderous brigands 100 years ago!), the bellicose, clumsy
"War on Terror," and his born-again Bible-prophecy-believing eyeball-rolling
Why does anyone care
whether Iraq is a democracy? Strategic reasons? Hell, under Saddam, Iraq
was the most secular and westernized of Arab nations! Our pal in the proxy
war with Iran. Saddam didn’t play ball with us? Well, let’s not forget how
he destroyed his last claim to weaponry before the invasion, at our
demand: dozens of Scud missiles. Recent reports say he was ready to
negotiate with Uncle Sam. Sanctions and threats worked!
War on Terror? Oh, sure.
That is every bit as effective as the War on Drugs, which has put a lot of
nice kids in jail for having a few hits of acid in their pockets---while
decaying urban centers fester with crack, cocaine, heroin. (For that matter,
there is a cornucopia of drugs to be had on the campus of any major
You don’t win a “War on
Terror” by by terrorizing poverty-stricken. U.S.-hating religious zealot
teenagers. They only rise up, as Iraq makes oh-so-slightly apparent. And
this brings up Bush’s other shallow belief that is probably now the
center of United States foreign policy decision-making:
The Bible. We actually
have a president consumed with crackpot Biblical prophecy and his imagined
role in bringing about “The Rapture"---which, not incidentally, means
egging on Israel in any and all hegemony. Israel, of course, being a
primary factor in the Iraq invasion. And a secondary and tertiary one, as
Look. Please get Netflix
to send “The Dead Zone” right away. See if Martin Sheen’s chilling
portrayal of a born-again megalomaniac president does not bring our little uniter-not-a-divider to mind. That’s where we all might wind up soon enough,
with Bush: the Dead Zone. This guy is still intent on bombing Iran before he
gets out of office.
Imagine the good that
will do for international stability!
This country is in the
hands of a smirking, smug “dry-drunk” born-again dullard who will not
listen to the American people, his father---who probably is no longer even
listening to Dick “Svengali” Cheney. This is not a squabble between between
political factions, this is a crisis that cuts to the bones of
what's left of this democratic republic. Why the media do not treat this
with due alarm is yet another wonder of our age.
Impeach. It is the only
thing left to do.
If the cowardly,
niggardly Democrats say they will not investigate Bush, make them do it.
Rise up. Avalanche D.C. with letters. March. Get back on the streets and
rally. Yes, the largest protests in world history(!) did not stop the
invasion of Iraq, but with the Democrats in charge of Congress, there is a
chance that such pressure could turn things around. People vote their jobs.
Remember---you are united
now: conservatives, centrists, liberals, independents.
Only two years left? They
could be the most critical years in the history of the country, if not the
human race.
Here are some of the many, many impeachment petitions on-line. Sign one,
sign them all, send them around.