President George W. Bush almost personally escorted
three 9/11 hijackers into the United States.
Read it again.
This contention does not come from Air America,
or "liberal wackos," or conspiracy theorists. It comes from Richard M. Nixon's
chief political strategist during the 1968 campaign, Kevin Phillips.
Here's the scoop:
The Bush administration instituted a
policy toward Saudi immigration in June, 2001, called "Visa Express." Under this
bent rule, Saudis could obtain U.S. visas without being photographed or having to apply in
person. Repeat: without even being photographed or having to apply in person.
Three of the 9/11 terrorists came into this
country on Bush's "Visa Express" policy.
Read it again.
Not only did the Bush administration do
absolutely nothing to combat terrorism during its first nine months--- despite the
repeated pleas of counter-terrorism expert Richard Clarke---it greased the immigration of
the hijackers who attacked the Pentagon and the World Trade Center.
Not only did the Bush administration
not take seriously the Presidential Daily Briefing document warning that Al-Qaeda terror
cells existed within the United States, had cased buildings in New York City, and had
acquired explosives, but the administration aided terrorists in their access to this
country; aided them in their mission.
Why? Because of the Bush family's long-standing
oily relationship (literally and figuratively) with the Saudis and the Bin-Laden family.
"Visa express" was a courtesy to "old friends." If this were the plot
of a movie, critics would dismiss it as hackneyed, hokey, and dull. But it is not the plot
of a movie, it is the incredible, shocking reality that has been all but ignored by the
mainstream media.
This astounding information, which has
gotten scant coverage in major press (mainly Washington Times and U.S.
News and World Report in 2002), broke again last Friday on Bill Moyers'
heroic "Now" program on PBS, in which Phillips was interviewed about his book,
"American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of
Bush." Remember, Phillips is a former Nixon aide who in 1969 authored "The
Emerging Republican Majority," correctly predicting the major shift to the right in
American electoral politics.
Here is the exchange with Moyers:
Phillips: "Now, the
Bushes have a long tie to the Saudi royal family, and indirectly to the Bin Ladens. And as
a result of the ties to the Saudis, we don't need to take it any further than that for the
moment; they put through in 2001 a change called the Visa Express. By which people in
Saudi Arabia could get U.S. visas without actually going in and being photographed by U--
Moyers: This was when?
Phillips: In 2001. June 2001.
And three of the terrorists came into the United States under this very permissive
Remember that it was well known at the time
that Al-Qaeda was financed largely with Saudi money. Still, the Bush administration
implemented essentially a free ticket to Terrorist Disneyland---with no photo on the
passport!---for Saudi nationals.(Author Craig Unger further asserts in his "House of
Bush, House of Saud" that visa applicants didn't even have to show up in the flesh.)
And remember: almost all of the hijackers were Saudis.
This stupendous hole in U.S. Security makes the
current flap over the PDB memo, "Bin-Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.," look
almost incidental. It is, at minimum, illustrative of profound irresponsibility and
ineptitude. It is, at worst, the wholesale selling out of the security of the
American people in the interests of keeping Saudi oil flowing.
Either way, it is a scandal of such staggering
proportion as to demand immediate impeachment and removal from office of this apparently
witless, corrupt, and incompetent president--- and his entire staff.
Rip Post Rebuts the Prez!
The Rip Post Editorial Board responds to Bush's Iraq Anniversary Speech.
But that's just part one of the
scandal. Here is part two: in its election strategy, Phillips reports, the Bush team
heavily courted the Muslim vote in America. That's correct, the Muslim vote. There are
between three and seven million Muslims in the country, and the Bush campaign sought their
support vigorously---which paid off by sweeping the 50,000-60,000 Muslim votes in Florida.
Here's the clincher: many of the Saudi-funded Muslim organizations sweet-talked by Team
Bush were later found to have ties to funding Al-Qaeda.
Factor into this the plain fact---still largely
uninvestigated---that the Bush administration flew many members of the Bin-Laden family
back to Saudi Arabia on about 9/13/2001, when all other air traffic was halted..
Anyone who can then retain the idea
that the Bush/Saudi connection---and the Bush/Bin-Laden family connection---is merely
tangential business unrelated to terrorism is cripplingly naïve.
The most disturbing aspect of this whole affair
is how little attention and investigation it has gotten from the media. This should be
page-one material on a daily basis.
Why such "coddling," as Phillips
calls it, of the Saudis?
"Well, oil is absolutely critical here,
obviously," he told Moyers. "And if you think that Saudi Arabia might be falling
apart, you want to think about getting Iraq which also has huge reserves. If you look at
the way in which the Bushes have conducted foreign policy, oil has always been a major
priority. It's a family that's always been connected to the oil business. I mean, it goes
back literally 100 years. And oil is a very major yardstick."
Yet every administration, as Moyers noted,
has tried to protect the flow of Middle East oil. Phillips cites Franklin Roosevelt
declaring Saudi Arabia a major concern during the 1940s.
The difference between all other presidents and
the Bush Administration?
"But the other presidents," Phillips
said, "however much they cared about oil, didn't have these personal
How much plainer can it be? President George W.
Bush and many members of his administration are oil company executives who
compromised---arguably ignored---the security of U.S. citizens in the interests of
maintaining personal business involvement with the Bin Laden family and other oil-i-garchs
of Saudi Arabia.
Add the PDB warning of the
Saudi-backed Al- Qaeda's presence in this country, its imminent plans to wreak
terror---through explosions and/or hijacked aircraft---and the outrageousness of Bush's
defense that this was just "historical data," and it becomes blindingly clear:
This is nothing less than the greatest scandal
in American history.