
Random Thoughts
on the Recall. . .
Oct. 8, 2003
I'm not worried so much about Governor
Schwarzenegger. It's President Schwarzenegger that is keeping me up nights.
It's probably keeping him up, too.
Tom Delay and Orrin Hatch, two of the more
Machiavellian figures in Washington (and that's saying something), are pushing to change
the law in order to let Schwarzenegger run for Prez.
President Arnold? That would certainly be time
to leave the country.
My fellow Amereee-guns. . .
Schwarznegger's acceptance speech
was spooky in that it so lacked joy. His smile was frozen, his manner stiff, and he seemed
only self-assured, self-satisfied, self-fulfilled. Not a trace of humility, exuberance.
I couldn't help but think of his glazed-eyed
dream of success, expressed in a book proposal some years ago: "The feeling like
Kennedy had, you know, to speak to maybe 50,000 people at one time and having them cheer,
or like Hitler in the Nuremberg stadium. And have all those people scream at you and just
being in total agreement with whatever you say."
Jay Leno, who makes a living with banal jokes
aimed at banal people, was the ideal man to introduce the most banal joke in California
political history.
I don't think there is much light in Maria
Shriver's attic.
The voters just placed in power someone with no
experience whatsoever in public office.
You know, kind of like Bush.
I hope Cruz Bustamente shows Arnold lots of
"tough love."
I enjoyed Bustamente's remark that he would
take care of Arnold "up close and personal" if he found The Sperminator had
groped one of his daughters.
I liked Cruz's plan to tax booze and
I'm not entirely against the car tax. I'd love
to see all SUV owners have to pay through the nose for all the pollution and energy
depletion they cause. Not to mention the arrogance and recklessness of the average SUV
P.J. Corkery shows you the money---the
money that elected Schwarzenegger---HERE.
76 years ago yesterday, the greatest
comedy team in history was first paired up: Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Yesterday, what
could be the greatest comedy team since was paired up: Schwarzenegger and
Voters, here's another nice mess you've
gotten us in to.
I never heard or read one remotely intelligent
statement from a voter as to why they supported Schwarzenegger. Everything was along the
lines of "he seems honest" and "I know him from movies, and I like
What else is new?
These poor dopes deserve what they get.
Dick "Smiley" Riordan babbled
something on the tube about how Gray Davis's proposal to give illegal aliens
drivers' license would "help terrorists."
Good, Dick. Better report Gray to Ashcroft.
Any terrorists in this country illegally would
have no problem acquiring fake licenses and I.D.'s. Remember that the 9/11 gang was here
legally, living normal lives in the open.
So I guess we'll continue to have countless
thousands of illegal aliens driving illegally.
Davis was a dull and predictable
in his "let's pull together" concession speech as he was in office.
At this point, I'd take dull and
predictable. I'd even take out of touch.
Recall Schwarzenegger at
It's a movie culture. Everyone
goes to movies, talks about movies, confuses movies with reality, and thinks they are in a
movie. No wonder they elected a movie star.
I wonder how many people didn't
bother to vote because of the "consolidation" of polling places, in which
thousands of regular voting spots no longer existed.
The recall was not an exercise in democracy. It
was an exercise in demagoguery.
A recall is supposed to come about because
voters are angry, not because multi-millionare Republicans are angry.
Remember: many of the 150,000 petition gatherers
were "gypsies" from other states hired by multi-millionare Darrel Issa.
They cared only about being paid. These were
not angry voters taking their fate into their own hands.
They would have gathered signatures outlawing
This tactic should simply be illegal. A recall
was intended to be the result of popular, spontaneous discontent---not an orchestrated
overthrow by the monied elite.
The monied elitists behind this
"recall" are truly guilty of hating their country---at least the precepts of
democracy on which the country is based. Their cynicism is spectacular.
As if Davis was to blame for
the dot-com bust, or the fake energy "crisis" created by Bush's cronies in
Texas, or education deficiencies.
California's decline in education took a long
time to accomplish. Think Reagan-Jerry Brown-Deukmejian-Wilson.
I hope when Mr. Collie-fawnia makes
the state "friendly" to small businesses (gosh---he couldn't have meant
mega-corporations, could he?), that he doesn't make it too unfriendly to employees
supporting families on the minimum wage.
Rip Post slogan never rang so true: "serving the
entire state of incredulity."
How to get elected to office in the USA: repeat
idiotic slogans ad nauseum. "I'm a leader" (Bush) is a good one, as is
"Let's bring Collie-fawnia back."
How to get elected to office in the USA, part
two: put a great big face on a great big bus.
The way the power elite manipulates public
response to further its interests is far more remarkable than that carried out by the man
believed to have set the standard: Hitler.
We are the Big Liars now.
This recall was just a party. A chance for the
average person to feel close to a celebrity.
Just as a vote for Bush actually elected Dick
Cheney and a cadre of arch-right "neo-cons,", a vote for Schwarzenegger just
elected Pete Wilson and George Schulz.
We're all groping, now.