(Sept. 11, 2007)
this anniversary of 9/11, as the country wallows---er, commemorates
the horrific murders of unsuspecting innocent persons, there will be solemn
ceremonies in every city. In many of these events, the names of the dead
will be gravely recited, but I think it might make more sense to read a list
of some other things.
Things, oh,
like these:
*Of the
persons killed in the
attacks on the World Trade Center and the two jetliners,
2902 (by most estimates) were from the United States. The
rest came from somewhere between 90 and 115 other countries, depending
on which stats you read. It’s not just our fight.
*Iraq was falsely and flagrantly linked to the 9/11 attacks by
Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, and Donald Rumsfeld.
*Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with the 9/11 attack.
*The U.S. invasion of Iraq was
predicated on weapons of mass
destruction---including nuclear---that were, according to all inspections
and authentic intelligence at the time, not there.
*All the WMD “evidence” used by the Bush administration was
trumped up and/or false. Ask Colin Powell.
*The other
purported purpose of invading Iraq was to topple that “bloody dictator,”
Saddam Hussein, even though he posed no threat to this country. This was
accomplished. Yet the U.S. remained.
*Under Saddam, Iraq became the most westernized and secular of
Arab nations, where women had more rights than anywhere in the Arab world.
*The Iraq invasion was planned and urged long before 9/11 by the
neocon warmongers of the
Project for a New American Century, who essentially became the George W.
Bush cabinet and foreign policy advisors.
*Paul Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld were among the
signators of the PNAC’s document calling for permanent occupation of the
Middle East and “global pax Americana”---a perpetual war to militarily
impose U.S. interests anywhere in the world, at whim.
*Many of the PNAC neoconservatives were arch supporters of
Israel, and in some cases---including Cheney and Wolfowitz---had actually
worked for Israel’s right-wing Likud party. Funny, elected officials of our
government working for another country.
*When you point this out, whether you are former President Jimmy
Carter, or Harvard professor
Stephen Walt or University of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer, the
ADL and likes of
Alan Dershowitz brand you anti-Semitic.
*The PNAC expressed hope in a document entitled “Rebuilding
America’s Defenses” for a
Pearl Harbor-like event that might galvanize the public into supporting
“global pax Americana” and an invasion of the Middle East. The road to
global pax American was bound to be rough, the PNAC wrote, “absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event--like a new Pearl Harbor." (Page 51 of
“Rebuilding America’s Defenses.”)
*The still-under-construction U.S. “embassy” in Iraq is about
the size of 80 football fields. It will cost an
estimated $592 million, with annual operating costs of $1.2 billion per
year. Saddam never dreamed of such opulence.
*The Iraq occupation was a permanent occupation from the get-go.
You’ve been scammed, folks. Flim-flammed. Conned. Sold a bill of goods. The
old switcheroo.
*By any sane measure, the country is almost hopelessly
bankrupt now—this country, not Iraq. Projected debt by 2010 is a
trillion bucks.
*Have you noticed how Bush’s Iraq rhetoric recently switched
from “insurgency” and “sectarian violence” (which he probably thinks has
something to do with the Kentucky Derby) to. . .Al Qaeda? How it went from
fighting “insurgents” to “outside agitators” to “making progress against
Al Qaeda?” You’ve been scammed, folks. Flim-flammed. Conned. Sold a bill
of goods. The old switcheroo.
*Being a
member of “Al-Qaeda” is like being a Trekkie. All you have to do is say you
are one.
*"Al Qaeda is on the run. Right now, about half of all the top
Al Qaeda operatives are either jailed or dead. In either case, they're not a
problem anymore."---George W. Bush, May 5, 2003.
*All the talk of benchmarks, surges, evaluations, Sunni-Shiite
progress, possible troop withdrawals---it’s all a smokescreen to cover the
permanent occupation of the Middle East. It means absolutely nothing. It is
just fodder to keep the corporate media busy, and give American citizens the
idea that this monumental disaster can be improved.
*The country
is not "at war." It invaded a defenseless country and occupies it, despite
polls in Iraq and the U.S. which say citizens want the occupiers to leave.
To say that we are "at war" sullies the memories of everyone who fought in
World War II.
*The soldiers
in Iraq---many of whom are National Guard troops never meant to serve on
foreign soil, and most of whom are in second and third tour of duty---are
not "fighting a war." They are a glorified police force, sitting ducks,
targets for booby-trap bombs that they are pretty much helpless against.
*The 9/11
attacks were carried out mostly by Saudi nationals. Several of them entered
the U.S. under a Bush administration policy
called "Visa Express,"
which allowed Saudis to obtain U.S. visas without being
photographed or having to apply in person. That's homeland security!
*That “we” are fighting for the “freedom and democracy” of the
Iraqis is the biggest lie of the whole con. Pity the poor soldiers who give
arms, legs, parts of their brains for this lie.
fact, the administration cares almost nothing about whether Iraq can
ever function as a nation. This is all about permanent U.S. occupation of
the Middle East---a beachhead for “global pax Americana"---on behalf of oil,
Israel, and some delusion about "fighting terror." And really, the more
unstable Iraq is, the more the U.S. has an excuse to stay there.
*There are incalculably more would-be terrorists, and there is
incalculably more hatred for this country, and western nations, because of
the Iraq invasion and Bush’s dumbass cowboy bluster.
*There are
about a
million less living Iraqis since the Iraq invasion and Bush’s
bellicose policies. A million. Wonder how that happened.
*If all this
doesn’t make you stop, scratch your hairy McDonald’s gut or taut
personal-trainer-honed abs, and say, “Hmm. . .just who is committing
terrorism here?”, then you’ve been watching too much CNN and Fox.
*The apparent
perpetrator of 9/11, Osama Bin-Laden, not only remains free, but free enough
to go out and shop for fake beards and blank videocassettes.
*The number
of freedoms given up by U.S. citizens out of a positively embarrassing fear
of terrorists is, well, put it this way: the government may now listen to
your phone conversations, read your e-mail, watch you from U-2 spyplanes and
satellites and videocameras, grab you off the street and hold you for the
rest of your life without bringing charges in a secret prison, and destroy
your mind with torture.
*Countless terrorism experts were interviewed countless times
during the decade or so before 9/11---in print, radio, and TV---in which
they all said that an attack was coming. The catch-phrase was, “It’s not a
question of if, but of when.”
*After George W. Bush took office, outgoing Clinton
presidential advisor Sandy Berger spent months warning Bush, Cheney, et.
al that terrorism---specifically, Osama bin-Laden and Al-Qaeda---should be
top priority, and that something big was in the works.
counter-terrorism advisor Richard Clarke, who had performed the same task
for Clinton, Bush 1, and Reagan,
warned repeatedly of imminent Al-Qaeda attack and urged the Bush-Cheney
administration to make this top priority.
*Clarke was ignored. Berger was ignored. A presidential
briefing memo warning, “Bin Laden determined to attack the United
States” was ignored. The Bush-Cheney administration ignored all warnings of
a coming terrorist attack. This is not conjecture or opinion, but documented
fact, as the 9/11 Commission established.
*At minimum, it is very apparent that the administration---led
by the cynical, dying bag of hatred that is Dick Cheney---deliberately
waited to withstand a terrorist strike on U.S. soil in order to have enough
public support to implement its agenda: the invasion of Iraq (Rumsfeld
pushed for it on 9/12) and start of “global pax Americana,” the employment
of fear to stoke and control public opinion, the beginning of a vast spying
network directed at U.S. citizens, the legal removal of any impediments to
imposing martial law.
*This administration does exactly what it pleases regardless of
the lowest popularity of any administration since Nixon.
*This includes the very likely forthcoming bombing of Iran.
*People seem to have forgotten that all of the war-making and
war-mongering elevates the prospects of world war, and nuclear war,
*Anyone who thinks that the B-52 full of nuclear missiles that
flew over the U.S. last week did so by mistake, as the official story goes,
may now go back to reading “My Pet Goat.”
policy is a sort of revisiting of the Christian Crusades. The Bush
administration was supported by---and infested with---evangelicals,
fundamentalists who believe that a “showdown between east and west” is the
prelude to Hay-soos coming back to earth to reward all the true believers
with Twinkies forever and leave the rest of us to die horrible and permanent
*Bush claims to be doing God’s work, and recently admitted to
crying “on God’s shoulder.” It is not known where he and God get together
for these sessions.
* “You can't
run a country/ By a book of religion/ Not by a heap/ Or a lump or a
smidgeon/ Of foolish rules/ Of ancient date/ Designed to make/ You all feel
great/ While you fold, spindle/ And mutilate/ Those unbelievers/ From a
neighboring state. . .”---Frank Zappa.
* “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”---Franklin D.
As I was saying, if at all the 9/11 ceremonies, these truths
were solemnly recited instead of the list of the dead, and all those “this
great nation” speeches, it might do the country some good. It would
certainly better honor all the people killed in New York City and on those