(July 8,
This has to stop. Now.
This can’t go on any longer!
What is wrong with Republicans!
What can be done?
This is not who we are.
These are typical bleats and social media
tweets epidemic every time there is what TeeVee Newsmannequins term a “mash
(sic) shooting” in the
country---whether of poor little children, doctors, nurses,
office colleagues, shoppers, parade-goers, other wretched unsuspecting
law-abiding innocents.
And here are the answers to the bleats and tweets:
It will not stop.
It will go on longer.
There is plenty wrong with Republicans, but they are not the
only cause of the problem.
Nothing can be done.
This is exactly who we are.
Look, there are about 120 guns per 100 noble humans in are
grate nashun, give or take 1.2 AR-15’s. Cat out of bag, in other
words, bag disintegrated to dust long ago. But let’s imagine
that guns could be suddenly, magically banned---as they are in
civilized countries such as Japan, England, Canada. Are these 120 killing machines per 100
noble U.S. humans suddenly poofed into the ethers, like some
CGI effect? Yes, and Donald Trump is altruistic, and
Anderson Cooper conducts incisive interviews. Then there
is the black market factor which would, of course, quickly
“compensate” for the ban.
So banning---a “non-starter,” as the bloviators of D.C. like to
say---would have as much efficacy as Aleve on a leper.
Okay, so how about “just” banning assault weapons alone? Sure,
eminently sane idea. Unless, as Republican Senator John Thune
grunted, you like
plinking prairie dogs. By the dozens. But given the
hysterical, NRA-stoked guvment caint take away mah gunz
slavering from about half the society, this is as likely as
“cool” and “awesome” and “iconic” disappearing from all
Well, then, how about banning assault weapons for persons under
the age of twenty-one, like Congurse just did. Great
idea! After all, as we know, no one over twenty-one
is crazy, psychotic, poisoned by Internet fiction, or super
pissed off.
This will be the most effective law since the legal
drinking age of 21 prevented teenagers from getting shitfaced.
And, uh, what if Pops or Uncle Q-Anon keep an AR-15 in the
broom closet?
Then we come to the "debate" over whether the
problem is "mental illness" or "gun control"---a “discussion”
that has the potential to outlive the ecosystem. On this and
other planets. Well, at least this idiotic wheel-spinning generates
massive income for media that profit from “conversation,”
“debate,” “dialogue”---and we all want to keep the National
Rifle Association, media corporate robberbarons and their preening anchormannequins wealthy,
don’t we?
You might as well ask whether atmospheric methane problem is due
to cows, or the fact that people like to eat them. And yet, the
answer to this insipid question---a ploy by Republicans to
keep their guns, essentially, and elected jobs, of course---is,
in point of fact. . .
Mental illness!
What? Rense, are you one of them?
No. I speak not of the proposed “remedy”
of increasing mental health funding, as if this could somehow
stop the American sport of mass murder. Rather, I speak of the
tongue-lolling derangement of the entire culture. No,
this is
not some ‘60’s sociology major “blame society” pablum.
The finger is not pointed nebulously, academically, but
specifically---at: demographers, marketing executives, and all
attendant sycophantic parasitic professions that amorally, hypertrophically exploit absolutely everything for profit. It
seems appropriate here to remember the words of the late
comedian, Bill Hicks:
“By the way if anyone here is in advertising or
marketing. . .kill yourself. No, really. There’s no
rationalization for what you do and you are Satan’s little
helpers. Okay – kill yourself. Seriously. You are the ruiner of
all things good.”
Translation of marketing in the 21st century: make
money no matter the consequences to anyone, anything, anywhere,
anytime. Further translation: dumb everything down to lowest
common denominator bestial titillation, preferably so zero education,
intelligence, knowledge is required to consume. This is what has
happened to all aspects of society. Marketing/demographics has
created a witless, twitchy, reactive culture that conflates
brutishness and violence with entertainment.
Movies and television are an endless orgy of killing, mayhem,
cruelty, perversion, torture, misogyny, subjugation/torment of
the weak, sexual degradation, nastiness, aggression, and above
all, people killing or threatening one another with. . .guns.
Big guns. Crazy guns. Macho guns. Guns that solve all ills. Even
the very production values of most “entertainment” are jarring, menacing, lurid, bizarre, violent in presentation.
Right---the crazy-shifting images, quick-cuts, terrifying sound
effects, cheaply manipulative music---all psychotic, nightmarish. The avalanche of sense-punishing fooom,
bash, shummm, bam used to illustrate simple scene changes, or
doors closing, or nothing at all---sound like apocalyptic
cataclysm. You
need Attention Deficit Disorder to take in such fare, and if you
don’t have it, keep watching and you soon will.
I hear you: Okay, boomer. Shove it up your apps. We're just giving people what they want!
That's the standard corporate excuse, and it's quite a con. No, the
marketing/ demographic juggernaut is not giving people what
they want---it is giving people what they will
respond to. And the cheaper the manipulation, the easier the
response. Read: dumb it down. Read: violence, mayhem, sex,
perversion, etc.
And let's not omit so-called popular music. Or rather, demographically
designed music-product reflecting, creating, and profiting from
egomania/self-importance/ narcissism epidemic in the culture
since roughly the advent of I-want-my-MTV. Then we have so-called rap/hiphop,
which does not even attempt to disguise its glorification of: criminality,
cruelty, hatred, crassness, vulgarity,
obscenity, racism, killing, sexual abuse of women, and other
such, uh, pastoral things. (Note: if you criticize this fare, you're
deemed racist by BLM/”woke” reactionaries---as I will be here.)
It’s really quite miraculous, in a grotesque sort of way: creativity,
which used to the basis of music, has been replaced by
demographically calculated product design. It is not
“popular” music---it is foisted music. It is fed to a
perpetually teenaged public (of all ages) primed since earliest sentience to
consume its fave bands and "icons." Hell, the “artists” do not even know that
they are creating corporate, demographic/ marketing-fired,
focus group-approved, dumbed-down banality. They imagine they are, to employ the
idiotic new term, creatives---because they are told this by. .
.the corporations that so exploit them, and the jejune millennial
“critics” who enable them. Closed system. The snake eats itself.
I know. I 'm ranting. But stay with me. Just for the sake of illustration, here is a “lyric”
chosen at random, in this case from a “song” by one
multi-Grammy-award-winning Cardi B, who, aside from having been
a guest at the Biden White House, allows men to come on stage
and perform
analingus on her. True. Oh, yes, and she has also recorded
defecating, and narrating the event as it happens. It is
all on Youtube, along with similarly sophisticated fare.
Once upon a time, man, I heard that I was
Came from a bitch who nigga wanna fuck on me
I said my face bomb, ass tight
Racks stack up Shaq height
Jewelry on me, flashlight
I been lit since last night
Hit him with that good-good
Make a nigga act right
Broke boys don't deserve no pussy (I know that's right!)
And for those who are now grumbling, “racist,” allow me to
be “inclusive.” Let us also note the wailing waif music
category, in which suicidal-sounding, heavily tattooed young
(mostly white) women neurotically whine about, oh, being
wronged, not getting something they want, hating someone who did
not give them something they want, imagining how they will get
revenge against someone who did not give them something they
want, etc. This sells hugely to all
the. . .neurotic young heavily tattooed young (mostly white)
women who identify with such petulant woes, or who will, after
listening. . .become neurotic young women who identify with these
petulant woes. The snake eats itself again. So-called “country?”
Mega-volume preening, as related to Hank Williams
and Patsy Cline as I am. I mean, you see and hear all this fare,
and you start to think that guitars and microphones should be
licensed. . .
This devolution-as-sound started around 1980
with MTV, as I said, which introduced and championed shameless
narcissism, egomania, self-adoration, artlessness---these things
now being the starting point in most mainstream recording. Along came Ivy
League educated Rolling Stone writers het-up to establish
imaginary “street cred” by writing about rap---notably “gangsta”
rap---as if it demanded analysis traditionally reserved for, oh,
master's theses. This intellectual validation proved very helpful to
persons who, uh, do not sing, do not play instruments, do not read or write
music---none of which, of course, are necessary in order to
become a “rap artist.” After all, “rap” and “hiphop” seldom
resemble anything approximating a “song.” Just program a machine
to play a simple, guttural beat, and start reciting
kindergarten-simple (usually angry, hateful) rhyme in an autotuned
voice, and voila, you’re an artist.
The obvious solution? Ban the
Internet. Let the government run it, and levy heavy
fines for bad grammar, spelling, and use of the word,
"awesome." No, really. I think 24/7 guvment-approved Mickey and Jesus
would be preferable to what we have now. |
What? What does this have to do with gun violence? This is all “just” free-market capitalism, you contend,
hardly mental
illness? Well, hey, what’s the difference? Since losing its way during the de-regulating,
"trickling down" (not) Reagan era,
capitalism abandoned allegiance to anything other than profit.
Consider: capitalism used to take
care of employees, contribute to community, fix potholes, even (gasp) pay
taxes (Attn: Facebook, Amazon, Elon Musk.) There was a sense of
responsibility to the society and the culture. Mental health.
"Free market" did not mean paying $500 million to someone
who can hit a ball with a stick, and run, or allowing for six or
seven people to own 90 percent of the world's wealth.
Worshipping profit and profit only is the enemy of, oh, empathy,
compassion, ethics, other 20th century notions. (See: ecosystem
still being destroyed by fossil fuel companies well aware of the destruction they wreak.)
In other words: mental illness.
readers, is the Triumph of the
Till, in the land of the fee and home of the crave. Fascism came
as a hamburger. I got mine. Don't bother me, I'm eating.
Which brings us to the devil, the Beast, Beelzebub, Old Scratch, the
man with the pointy tale and sulphury reek (to quote
Frank Zappa). . .a miracle far beyond the dreams of “father of
public relations”
Bernays, or Nazi Propaganda Minister
Goebbels. . .
The Internet.
This is the worst catastrophe ever to befall humankind---the shatterer of thousands of years of traditional societal
structure and function, the annihilator of social contact (and
contract) in the
guise of “connecting” people; the champion purveyor of
alienation, divisiveness, misunderstanding, misinformation,
disinformation; the all-time greatest reinforcer of ignorance,
prejudice, hatred, intractability, delusion, insanity; the
welcome mat to every flim-flammer, hustler, phoney, martinet,
con-artist, megalomaniac under the globally warming sun; the
roiling caldron, or better, overflowing toilet, of every bad,
fiendish, deceitful, cunning, evil, insane human impulse.
And it also has a bad side. Badda-bing.
For those of you thinking my opinion over-the-top, extreme
hyperbole, a kooky overreaction to the “negative aspects” of the
Information Superscamway, I will play my trump card (pardon the
expression) first: child pornography. An easy pose of sanctimony
and outrage of the ilk generally struck by the right-wing? An
obvious excuse? It has always “been around?” Think again. What
used to be “underground,” a creepy-crawly thing with criminal “rings”
occasionally busted by authorities. . .is now in every home
on the planet equipped with a computer. It must be a
multi-billion-dollar business. One need not download it, trade
it, participate in its manufacture and sale, to see it. Anyone
who surfs porn sites---roughly, oh, wild guess, 75 percent of
the population over five---at one point or another will be
presented with it as ads, samples, etc. Including scenes of such
cruelty that D.C. should be absolutely swarming with millions of
people demanding this stuff's eradication.
This alone, I say, invalidates the Internet, renders it unfit
for existence.
If you still think I am extreme, here’s my considered response:
you’re nuts. I don’t have statistics, but I think it’s a
foregone conclusion that human trafficking has increased
exponentially since people first logged on to the “world-wide
web” in 1990. Yes, the marvelous world-wide web turned out to be
full of human spiders. But that’s not all. There is a world of
“snuff” (murder) and torture on the Internet, not just of
people, but of, yes, helpless animals. The perpetrators must
figure it’s less likely to invite prosecution if the victim is
furry and meows or barks. I came across one such “video” about
ten years ago, and I think it was on Facebook (which used to
have no filters for such horror), but I am no longer sure. It
featured a woman in black bra, black g-string, black mask, black
stiletto heels, and sado-mashochistic accoutrements, using a
handheld torch to. . .well, I’ll let that sentence end. The
woman was laughing as she perpetrated a ghastly murder. Why
describe it, even to this extent? Because no one else is.
You can’t find this fiendishness reported on any news program,
ever. People simply do not know that such atrocities are all
over the Internet, and I think they need to know. The video of the S&M woman, who should be summarily
executed (I would do the honors) is the most evil thing I have
ever seen in my life, by far, and I have the Internet to thank
for it.
But chin-stroking “social scientists” forever contend that the Internet (used to
be television/ literature/media) just mirrors human society, and
its worst aspects. Fine. So let’s stop mirroring, then. And I
say it does much more than “mirror.” It makes images and
behavior that most people do not think about or even imagine. .
.part of reality. This implies. . .acceptance, at least
subliminal. So the Internet not only mirrors---it creates,
foments, encourages. “Mirroring” amounts to hype,
advertisement, legitimizing, conditioning of. . .mental illness.
From the time a relative of mine long ago discovered that his
twelve-year-old son had a computer file full of things such as
“man fucks donkey,” I realized something was drastically,
insanely broken. Those who imagine that all of this craziness does not
“influence” people to imitate it, participate in it, “join the
club,” are either profoundly naïve or disingenuous. The Internet
is the biggest monkey-see in history, never mind social scientists forever crowing “there
is no proof” (a ruse long used by corporate entertainment
conglomerates to justify violence and brutality in movies, music,
etc.) The Internet teaches, “inspires,” and worst of all, brings
the blackest tendencies of human nature into. . .daily reality,
thus tacitly suggesting “normal.” Remember: lowest common
denominator stimulus yields highest profit.
I am reminded of the movie,
“Forbidden Planet,” and how the occupants of the planet, Altair
4---the Krell---had, through technology, loosed their “monsters
from the id” until their society was destroyed. The movie
was prescient.
One more point on the subject of general pornography, which
conservatively generates $2.5 billion a year on the Internet: it
has become largely concerned with degradation. “Deep Throat” and
“Behind the Green Door,” two of the big porn theater hits of the
‘70’s, are “The Wizard of Oz” and “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm”
compared with most Internet sex fare today. The general goal
seems to be extreme humiliation, mostly of women. Suffice to
say: metoo, where are you?
Citing the comparatively innocent functions of the
Internet offers no comfort. It is now cliche that use of
"phones" and other devices has supplanted going out into the world and
interacting with other people. You remember when there were no iphones---just I
and friends. Socializing. This was a phenomenon that, for the most part,
tended toward engendering well-being, empathy, social
adjustment, co-existence. Otherwise known as mental health.
Think for a moment: since the Internet, you no longer need to go
to: the bank, the bookstore, the record store, the classroom (in
many cases), the market, and myriad other things that used to be
quotidian (if they even still exist.) You can “do” any/all things on-line. No human contact
necessary. Not exactly a recipe for sociability, but a great
recipe for turning a nobody nerd named Jeff Bezos into the
richest human being in history. (Well, after Elon Musk.) I mean, with the
ecosystem-pulverizing, Bezos has realized Monty
Python’s world suffocating monolith, “The Very Big Corporation”
(see: “The
Crimson Permanent Assurance”).

Oblivious, fabulously greedy youth, obsessed with
consuming anything cool or awesome
(passwords to acceptance), from $300 bags of "single
origin" coffee to food-truck brain tacos,
aggressively conforming in terms of fashion, speech,
G. Wells' "eloi" realized. |
Perhaps most damaging of all, the Internet has done to
traditional media (newspapers) what “Survivor” has done to human dignity,
what Marjorie
Taylor Greene is doing to thinking and knowledge.
For all their inherent flaws, newspapers were shared. If you
were left, right, center, or objective (gasp), you read the same
newspapers and magazines. They were called community
newspapers for a reason: they aimed to serve all members of
a community. This created an implicit and accepted unity, a
commonality of experience. Even if you disagreed with the schlub
sitting next to you on the bus, both of you schlubs read the
same paper. Why, you might even talk about that paper on
a given day, without wanting one another dead. At least the
sports page.
No more.
The Internet assassinated daily newspapers,
reducing them to websites. These websites
suddenly found themselves competing with other websites set up by: martinets, poseurs, nutcases, megalomaniacs,
amateurs, Russia or China operatives. But these sites often
looked, to the average person, as credible and potent as a
newspaper site! Most web-surfers lacked the ability to discern
one from the other in terms of legitimacy, research,
professionalism, integrity. And when readers found their point
of view reinforced by a given
website, well, why bother reading anything else?
Take it or
leave it: newspapers had high standards for trying to get at the
facts of a story. Websites posing as newspapers mostly have
neither the staff nor the obligation---and often not even the
inclination---to do so. In fact, it works against their
“circulation” to not pander to the prejudices and
reactionary opinions of readers. (Talk about giving people
what they will react to!) The outright vilification of responsible media by the “alt news” sites
culminated with wide embrace of the demented fantasies of the
Internet spider, Q, of so-called Q-Anon---and the sack of maniacal adipose, Trump,
discrediting anything he dislikes as “fake news.” Thanks to the
Internet, somewhere from a third to over half the country thinks
legitimate news is “staged.”
Factor into the death and dearth of newspapers---remaining
specimens have literally shrunk to less than half their content
sizes---the rise of 24-hour argument-as-news on cable
television. Newsjabber. Used to be, TV news was. . .news!
What a concept! A half-hour or hour broadcast of selected
stories about events of the day, presented with a degree of research,
responsibility, organization, vetting, editing. Along came CEO’s working
solely from marketing/demographic models, and it was easy to
see that “talking heads” arguing about/discussing any/all topics of the
moment was more profitable than dull, responsible reporting.
Hard news? Hasta la vista, baby! As
the old CBS newsman,
Benti, used to say, news became “watching two drunks
fighting in a bar---it’s stupid, but you can’t look away.” (Or
something close to this that he said to me long ago.)
In other
words, contention over “controversial” issues (what issue
isn’t?) turns more heads than reading (yawn), or viewing vetted
news stories. Rupert Murdoch of Fox, Jeff Zucker of CNN, and
other media robberbarons have literally turned acrimony into
Which brings us at last to “social” media. This is
the Internet's
crowning gory, which has transformed conflict, anger,
ignorance, stupidity, hatred, pose, lie, conspiracy theory, berserk declamation
into a commodity so precious as to have made an insufferable,
callow millennial, Mark Zuckerberg, the tenth richest person in
the world. Exclamation point. And the children shall bleed
Result: the country is now famously in permanent contention,
divisiveness, polarization, reactionary extremism, snarling petulance on left and right---created and reinforced by
demographic/marketing-ruled Internet, cable news, social media,
for profit. Right: confusion, suspicion, disagreement are
gold. The USA might as well be the MMA. There is "you're wrong"
on one side, and "you're wrong" on the other side, and never the
twain shall meet. Which reminds me of a quote by Mark Twain:
"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which
it is stored than to anything on which it is poured."
The obvious solution? Ban the Internet! Let the
government run it, and levy heavy fines for bad grammar, spelling,
and use of the word, "awesome." Better yet, just outlaw social media outright.
How delicious that would be! Imagine those millennial thumbs
with nothing to type! Yes, I
realize these things will never happen---too threatening to
corporate fat---but it would be absolutely fine with me. No,
really. I think that 24/7 guvment-approved Mickey and
Jesus would be preferable to what we have now! I mean, in the
old days (not so long ago), things that should be said only in
living rooms and bars were not the news of the day. There was
debate, actual discussion, not permanent rift. At the end of
a Congressional day, Speaker of the House Tip O' Neill and Republican leader
Bob Michel had dinner together.
The left is deranged with
self-righteous “woke” politics, the right is Trumpshit-crazy
with hatred of the left’s self-righteous “woke” politics. The
ancient “melting pot” egalitarian ideal is now considered by
ethnic studies academics to have been a plot by whitey
to keep minorities down, denying their identities. |
I could go on. So I will! Let’s
see. . .
There is, oh, the Kardashian empire (net worth in the many
billions), built on a
video of one Kardashian daughter having oral, traditional
and anal intercourse with a male, and drinking his semen---the
new "start-up," apparently. . .Corporations happily anointing
“influencers”---puerile young (mostly) women showing other puerile young
women what make-up to wear---and paying them hundreds of
thousands of dollars for their little videos. . .Tik-Tok being
routinely mined for personal information by China to some
nefarious end or other. . .Social media infiltrated and
manipulated by Russia to
influence elections. . .The Jesus Freaks of the Supreme
Court banning abortion---even for rape victims, of all things
vicious and deranged---at a time when countless babies are born to people who
have neither the wherewithal nor inclination to care for them. .
.What else? Hmm. . .The long-gone middle class, an "American Dream"
turned into American Ream. . .Ongoing inflation, recession,
depression, anti-depressants. . ."Private equity"
groups of rich nobodies
redefining cynicism, as they turned the basic need of housing
into their own private stock market. . .About ninety-nine percent of the citizenry
not knowing how to function without phones, thumb-typing. . .The
Internet-stoked death of capitalization, grammar, spelling. . .People
routinely sitting together looking at their respective phones,
rather than speaking. . .Posting photos and videos of food, or
preening at the edge of the Grand Canyon (those who do not fall
off in the process) on Instagram and Twitter replacing actual
experience. . .Public education long ago gutted by testing
instead of learning, now just another thing to be gamed. . .College
students largely majoring in money, as opposed to actual
professions, or actual learning. . .A growing shortage of
persons in traditional professional roles, from airline pilots
to teachers, because most people prefer to create “start-ups”
and other get-rich gambits with the Internet. . .Election to
public office now largely based on manipulation via Internet,
fake or otherwise. . .Most people in the country no longer
means of intelligently processing information, let alone
discerning fact from pedophile pizza parlors. . .Artificial
intelligence on the brink of utterly destroying believability of
any image or information. . .Oblivious,
fabulously greedy youth, obsessed with consuming anything
cool or awesome (passwords to acceptance), from
bags of "single origin" $300 coffee to food-truck
brain tacos, aggressively conforming in terms of fashion,
speech, cars. . .
All presided over by hap-hap-happy,
rolling-in-dough TeeVee newsmannequins, grinning as if on
intravenous valium as they
narrate the
demise of the planet and civilization.
Mental Illness? This country is a stinky,
heavily tattooed recluse hiding in the basement, staring
fish-eyed at a
computer screen, scratching his or her billions-served belly,
farting through old underpants, swilling Diet Pepsi and canned
cocktails, masturbating to porn that would have disgusted
Caligula, AR-15 close by to deal with deep state
stormtroopers, heathens, minorities, women, gays, Nancy Pelosi.
Either that or throwing asinine, sanctimonious “pink pussy hat”
weekend parties in the streets, carrying impotent signs about
“Repignicuns” and “Regulate Dicks,” conflating lascivious sexual
behavior with “rights” and “liberation,” turning every issue
into identity politics, and “diversity” and "inclusion" into
code words for quota systems and discrimination worthy of the
China Cultural Revolution. (The opinions in this column alone
prevent me from being hired by "woke"/PC corporations.) Glazed over with
widely legalized super-pot, sometimes with 100 percent THC
content, baking brains into private worlds where you can star in
your own private hallucination. You know, like the mash shooters
Common ground? Gone as cheap gas. The left is deranged with
self-righteous “woke” politics, the right is Trumpshit-crazy
with hatred of the left’s self-righteous “woke” politics. The
ancient “melting pot” egalitarian ideal is now considered by
ethnic studies academics to have been a plot by whitey to
keep minorities down, denying their identities. I am reminded of
the actress who starred in “Crazy Rich Asians,” Constance Wu,
telling an interviewer that if he did not acknowledge her
ethnicity, he was “erasing” her. Wow! So what do you do, say, “Hey,
I see you’re Chinese-American?” Do that, and you’re accused of
racism, stereotyping.
Speaking of which, if you are “white,” you
are---according to the tenets of Black Lives
Matter---automatically assumed to be a racist, get this,
whether you know it or not. Look it up. It's in the
treatise. And if you dare to assert that a great deal was done in the country to combat racism
before Black Lives
Matter---from the Civil Rights Movement to the Civil Rights Act,
Voting Rights Act, Affirmative Action, the youth movements, even
media---you are promptly labelled a purveyor of
“revisionist white history” (this has happened to me) by BLM
adherents and their comically labelled, obsequious “white allies.”
Last, but not least, there is the astonishing, pervasive
re-emergence of old-fashioned Nazi-esque racism aimed at all
minorities, Jews, gays (and permutations thereof) by
gap-toothed, gap-brained, know-nothing giant children suckled on
the Internet. These would-be brownshirts are on one side, and
the left, and “leftist media” straining to exalt anything
minority or “LGBTQIA2S+”
(yes, that is the full self-obsessed acronym), are on the other.
I run screaming.
And so here we are, at least half the population armed to the
eyebrows, seething with hatred, suspicion, paranoia; media built
almost entirely of acrimony, the Internet a rat’s nest of
fiction fit for first graders; popular culture dumbed down to
sensory assault, banality, killing, perversion; Internet sexual
degradation, scamming, predation wired into every home and
phone; “music” that panders to teen/tween mentality and outright
criminality, hatred, narcissism, materialism, consumerism, greed; citizenry
bursting with no knowledge, no perspective, no ability or
interest in acquiring either, and, in the case of most persons under, say, 40,
no understanding of anything that occurred on this planet before
they were born.
Cure all this, and guns will go away.
It's that simple!
copyright 2022 Rip Rense |