TO ELECTION: (and The Rip Post occasionally reacts to them) "California, Oregon, and Washington would make a nice nation." (Responding to the Riposte column.) Sounds good..... You will be leaving with the rest of the loosers? ThomasH613@aol.com Thank you for your considerate and courteous response. Please continue reading the site. Oh, by the way, you who does not even have the common decency to sign your name, "loosers" is spelled "losers." But I would not expect simple words to be spelled correctly by the likes of one so crude.---RP. American Democracy 1776-2004 R.I.P. ---Roger Steffens, Los Angeles, CA The evil empire has won. Bushgate in '05. Don't give up the fight. I refuse to let the Bush victory get me down. I do believe there will be a serious scandal in his second administration. One good thing is he will have do deal with the Iraq mess himself. Remember the scandals in the second terms of the last two Republicans to get them, Nixon and Reagan. They get overconfident and slip up. On a bright note, stem cell Prop. won. This is a good thing for California and people who suffer from diseases the research will help. ---Scott Paul, Northridge Too
bad all those smitten by Bush's "moral values" weren't given tours of Iraq's
killing fields before casting their votes. what happened to the early exit cell phone voters? and the rock the voters? did the youth just not show up? how could this be so wrong: Young Mobile Voters Pick Kerry Over Bush, 55% to 40%, Rock the Vote/Zogby Poll Reveals: National Text-Message Poll Breaks New Ground ---D.P., Los Angeles. What now? Move to Mexico or make a suicide pact? ---K.S., Santa Monica (Some might opt for both.---R.P.) Were packing to emigrate. Wanna join us? Mary L., Los Angeles Response to the 11/3 Riposte column: Thanks for helping me to vent my anger by mirroring my thoughts on this ugly tragedy. You made me laugh and want to cry at the same time, great article! While my girlfriend's mother was watching TV( shusshing everyone while Bush spoke, and saying out loud that Kerry people "need to stop whining") , I boiled with anger and hid in my computer room ranting and posting on various websites. For some reason, even on the more progressive allegedly evolved chat sites (like Surfing The Apocalypse) the Bush defenders and America-firsters suddenly appeared after lurking up until today to gloat and..you guessed it, tell everyone to "get over it". You were aquainted with Frank Zappa, he certainly saw this coming, so he is a prophet in a way.He warned us about this in "Broadway The Hard Way". Thanks again, time to listen to "Dumb All Over". ---Sam Lacey, Mount Desert, Maine Zappa saw it all coming, and clearly, and repeatedly warned of it long ago.---RP I don't get it. How can states be that different. PA was won by Kerry by a significant margin--much wider than Gore squeaked by with. Yet Ohio is going to Bush, right next door. The demographics are very similar. So what's the deal? How can states be so out of whack when everyone's watching the same Fox and CNN and Howard Stern? More important, how can so many Americans be such fucking idiots? Well, we've been here before. I remember feeling this exact way when Nixon won re-election and when Reagan won re-election. Of course, back then we had democrats in control of Congress mostly, with the exception of part of the time under Reagan, when he had the Senate with him. Battle mode now, I guess. ---Dave, Pennsylvania. Once again, the American electoral process has descended into nut-cutting squalor. Kerry counted the numbers that were available and it didn't add up, so he conceded like the good Washington politician that he is. RIP USA. It was a fine ride while it lasted -- some 224 years. But it's not our country anymore. It's theirs. ---Rick, Frazier Park. I'm leaving the planet. ---Simon, England. (The planet is ahead of you.---R.P.) If in Central America,the election would likely end up in an armed struggle,but as good Americans, (that excludes me) we are trained to grin and accept it.-If nothing else,this election proves that stupidity and corruption are no detriments to victory.-Also a BIG victory for the religious zealots.There is no doubt in my mind but that Bush's (phony) religious factor won him the election,because we all know that his victory couldn't have been based on brains. ---S. Plepler, West Los Angeles. We are now in the control of people we have nothing in common with. ---Leon, Costa Mesa. Sigh . . . What I feared the most has sadly come to pass. I knew the fix was in when I wrote: "I don't see Kerry as the lesser of two evils, I see him as an alternative to evil. Sadly though, I fear the Bush election manipulation machine will over power him." I'm listening to CNN in the background as I write this. Bush is about to step onto the stage. I'm waiting to hear how many times he's going to say "I'm gonna protect America." That's the card he played to a hysterical population made fearful by the very plan he set into action. Sort of a self fulfilling circle. (He will say that as often as "I'm gonna unite America."---R.P.) Bush wins, the world loses -- that's the way I see it. And you can bet your bottom dollar the next few days/weeks/months will be drenched in blood as the terrorists share their feelings over the election outcome. The beat goes on. I feel sorry for those cheering people standing in front of that stage, they have no idea what they have just set in action. I'd like to ask them, "Where is America and what have you done with her? Why is The Statue of Liberty crying? Why are non-US citizens crying?" Forgive them Lord, fore they know not what they do. It's a sad, sad day, Rip. ---Lea McDonald, Bedford township in Ontario, Canada. My heart is BROKEN today. The only shrieky smiles I'm seeing on cable are coming from a bunch of Bushevik wingnuts. I'm not only heartbroken, I'm also so goddam mad I don't know what to do. Maybe start drinking & not stop. Let's remember that Diebold promised they'd deliver Ohio for Butthead. Looks like that's one promise kept. I really like the idea of moving to Canada (as I see gangs have done already) but maybe Mexico would be a good choice. They have better enchiladas. ---Lois, Oregon. (It might be that the world's heart is broken today.---R.P.) somewhere between the malignancy of thought called madness & the retarded universe of the innocent & the sane we exist ---S.A. Griffin Moral value assholes who see nothing immoral about a hundred thousand dead Iraqis, and the ever increasing American dead, in Iraq. Moral value seers who believe Bin Laden and Sadaam Hussein were lovers.Moral value gunmen and women whose fear makes them believe that John Kerry would send homosexual couples to their homes to get married in front of them. Ah yes. The Bush administration can lie, create ongoing havens for terrorist recruitment, yes, they know moral values. I have looked through the looking glass. I have seen the saucers. Amen. ---Scott Wannberg, Los Angeles. BACK TO DAILY LINKS |
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