There it
was, buried on page A28 of the July 3 (Saturday) L.A. Times:
"Army Stage-Managed Fall of Hussein Statue."
Never mind that
international press---I particularly recall Robert Fisk's
columns---had reported this information ad nauseum, in detail,
almost from the day it happened. Never mind that Ahmad Chalabi and a
cadre of his sycophants were among the "Iraqis" cheering as the
statue fell. Never mind that the crowd on hand was tiny. Never mind
that the statue's face was covered first with a U.S. Flag, then
hastily switched to an Iraq flag for PR purposes. Never mind it was
a U.S. Marine vehicle that pulled the statue down.
None of it was "true,"
you see, until the Army admitted it, just before July 4th weekend,
where it would die in newspapers few would read. Before that, this
was just wild lefty raving.
The Army's internal
study on the Iraq occupation concluded that it was a Marine
colonel, not joyous Iraqi civilians, who ordered that the statue be
toppled Apr. 9, 2003. And it was, as the Times reported, "a
quick-thinking Army psychological operations team that made it
appear to be a spontaneous Iraqi undertaking."
And people accuse Michael
Moore of propagandizing!
From the heroics of Jessica Lynch---all of which proved to be
propaganda, disgusting even poor Pvt. Lynch herself---to the claims
of weapons of mass destruction and Condoleezza Rice's warning of an
impending "mushroom cloud" in the U.S., to Abu Ghraib, to the new
Iraqi "sovereignty," the entire Iraq operation has been a monumental
That's monumental, as in
Yes, "defining moment"
that reportedly thrilled Vice-President George W. "President"
Bush---that put tears in his eyes as he watched on CNN---was as
bogus as his own election. As fake as Ashcroft's color-coded terror
warnings. As transparent a con as the administration's interest in
"freeing the Iraqi people." As slippery as oil.
Here's how it went down:
After the
colonel---unnamed in the report (I wonder why)---chose the
statue as a "target of opportunity" (maybe he thought it was the
real Saddam?), the psych-ops team began---get this---using
loudspeakers to get people to gather around. Hey, wanna be on TV?
Remember how the Marine vehicle used to pull the thing down was
loaded with cheering Iraqi kids? They were put there by the
psych-ops team!
Can you say "Action!"?
Calling central casting. . .
The well-intentioned
American populace bought it, thanks in no small measure to an
obscenely compliant press. Is there a greater shame in U.S.
journalism history than the hordes of "embedded reporters" who
jingoistically passed along propaganda as fact? Who rode into
battle, egos cocked, ready to bravely pose in front of a camera at a
moment's notice?
How anyone can still view
the invasion and seizure of Iraq as justified, constructive---let
alone noble---just dazzles.
But then, we're talking
about the American people here. Good Cheetohs-munching,
TV-and-church mesmerized citizens who confuse reacting with
thinking, age with sagacity, and personal wealth with importance.
These are citizens who have as much power of discernment and
analysis as contestants on "Extreme Dating." Who combine a strange
mixture of naivete and skepticism; the former reserved for whatever
the government tells them, the latter for whatever the press
reports. Oh, they snicker, the New York Times reported it? Heh, heh,
you know what that means. . .(Thank you, Jayson Blair.)
Rescuing the Iraqi people
was a lie. Any interest in their "freedom" or "democracy" was a lie.
It's as plain as the beard on Saddam's face. I cite again, (and
again, and again) the neocon agenda, as spelled out in the Project
for a New American Century---the foundation of Bushcheney's foreign
policy. How is it that so few Americans know anything about this,
even now?
The PNAC clearly
spells out the actual actual reasons for the invasion: the
seizure of Iraqi oil; the permanent occupation of the Middle East as
a tactic to frighten the countries there into converting to
democracy (yes, that's working very well, isn't it?); the
desire---that's desire---for a Pearl-Harbor-like event to give the
administration carte blanche to carry out the seizure of Iraq.
There is another factor.
Is it any small coincidence that Assistant Secretary of Defense Paul
Wolfowitz, President Dick "Vice President" Cheney, and others in the
administration have done work for Israel's ultra-right-wing Likud
party? The role of Israel in prompting U.S. military intervention in
the Middle East, whether you agree or disagree with it, is enormous.
The results: close to a
thousand mostly young U.S. soldiers dead (and about 117 foreign
troops seldom reported in the States); 10,000-plus seriously
injured, maimed young men and women in U.S. hospitals with ruined
lives; between 10,000 and 30,000 innocent Iraqi men, women and
children dead, and unknown others maimed.
And now the latest joker
in the deck: half the people in Iraq want Saddam to walk free! They
believe that everything he did---from invading Kuwait to gassing the
Kurds (if he did this; there are credible reports that say it could
have been either Iraq or Iran) to sanctioning rape, torture, and
murder of countless thousands of citizens---is excusable.
Wow. And to think:
Bush, Cheney, and the rest have the audacity to accuse people of
cynicism for suggesting that perhaps Iraq is not ready for
Yes, Like the "new Nixon," Saddam is back. There he was on the tube,
ranting about how Bush is a "criminal" (via yet-to-be-explained
audio that the U.S. had tried to block.) In restaurants and coffee
houses across Iraq, people shouted and pumped their fists in the air
when Saddam denounced "Kuwaiti dogs."
This just in: Mohammar
Qadafi's daughter is one of his defense attorneys, and plans are
under way to form a Saddam government-in-exile.
Heck, before long, they
might build him a statue.
copyright 2003, Rip Rense |